Deadlines: (submission details below)
    Performance proposals: December 09 2002
    Notification of acceptance: Febuary 10 2003

Papers, reports, posters and demos:
    Research paper, report, poster, demo: January 13 2003
    Notification of acceptance: March 03 2003
    Final paper submission: March 31 2003
Submission is closed

NIME-03 Templates for papers, reports, posters and demos:

NIME-03 templates are provided by ACM SIG, and can be used to create a .pdf file. These templates are available here for both MS Word and LateX. Only PDF or PS (PostScript) files as created from the template files will be accepted.

For LaTeX templates, please use the "alternate style" (option 2), and read the guidelines at the ACM website. Should you have difficulties with these files, check the FAQ.

If you decide to use Word templates, use the Word styles defined in the template instead of manually formatting your text. Then create your PDF or PS file.

In regards to these templates, the blank space at the bottom of the first column was originally intended for copyright notice (should there be any). Please leave this space blank and do not try to edit it out. This will be done for you at the final submission stage if there is no need for copyright notice (for NIME 2003, copyright remains with authors).

If you have any problems or questions, please contact Francois Thibault.

Submission categories:
NIME-03 invites submission of research papers, reports, posters, demos and performances to be presented during the conference on the various aspects of new interfaces for musical expression, described in the NIME-03 call for papers.

The pdf version of the NIME-03 call is available here.

Research papers:

Reports: Posters: Demos: Performances: