Yoichi Nagashima

Yoichi Nagashima, composer/researcher/PE, was born in 1958 in Japan. He learned and played some instruments: violin, recorder, guitar, keyboards, electric bass, drums, and vocal/choral music for 43 years. He was the conductor of Kyoto University Choir and composed over 100 choral music, and studied nuclear physics there. As the engineer of Kawai Musical Instruments, he developed some sound generator LSIs, and designed some electronic musical instruments, and produced musical softwares. From 1991, He has been the director of "Art & Science Laboratory" in Japan Hamamatsu, produces many interactive tools of realtime music performance with sensor/MIDI, cooperates some researchers and composers, and composes experimentally pieces. He is also the key-member of Japanese computer music community. From 2000, he has been also the associate professor of SUAC(Shizuoka University of Art and Culture), Faculty of Design, Department of Art and Science, and teaches multimedia, computer music and media art. As a composer of computer music, he collaborates many musicians in his composition: Piano, Organ, Percussion, Vocal, Flute, Sho, Koto, Shakuhachi, Dance, Percussion, etc. He organized and was the General Chair of NIME04. He became a professor on April 2007. He organized a tutorial “Parallel Processing Platform for Interactive Systems Design” at ICEC2009 (Paris).
Lecture/Workshop of Yoichi Nagashima (in English)
1. Lecture "Technology for Computer Music", Seoul, Korea, 1997
2. Workshop "Sensors for Interactive Music Performance", ICMC2000, Berlin, Germany, 2000
3. Workshop "Sensors for Interactive Music Performance", Studio CCMIX, Paris, France, 2001
4. Lecture "Composition of [Visional Legend]", International Workshop on "Human Supervision and Control in Engineering and Music", Kassel, Germany, 2001
5. Lecture "Interactive Media Art with Biological Interfaces", STEIM Open Lecture Concert Series, Amsterdam, Holland, 2004
6. Lecture "Interfaces for Interactive Media Art", IRCAM Open Lecture, Paris, France, 2004
7. Lecture "Interactive Art with Bio-Interfaces", La Kitchen Open Lecture, Paris, France, 2004
8. Lecture "Interactive Multi-Media Performance with New Interfaces", International Workshop on Interactive Media Art, Kai-Nan Univ., Taiwan, 2007
9. Lecture "Interactive Multi-Media Art with New Technology", Tsukuba Univ., Japan, 2007
10. Lecture "SUAC Installation - Case Studies as Physical Computing -", Sketching in Hardware 2008, Rhode Island School of Design, USA, 2008
11. Lecture "Some interactive works ('08-'09) - case study of my sketching”, Sketching in Hardware 2009, University College of London, UK, 2009 
12. Tutorial "Parallel Processing Platform for Interactive Systems Design”, International Conference on Entertainment Computing, Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, Paris, 2009
13. Lecture "Technology for Computer Music / Interactive Multi-Media Performance with New Interfaces", International Festival/Competition SYNC. 2010 Tutorial(1), The Ural State Conservatory, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2010 
14. Lecture "SUAC Installation - Case Studies as "Physical Computing", International Festival/Competition SYNC.2010 Tutorial(2), The Ural State Conservatory, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2010
15. Lecture "Interactive Art with Bio-Interfaces", International Festival/Competition SYNC.2010 Tutorial(3), The Ural State Conservatory, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2010
16. Lecture "Sketching as entertainment of design”, Sketching in Hardware 2012, University of Oregon, USA, 2012
17. Lecture "New Platform for Design Entertainment”, Sketching in Hardware 2013, PARC, California, USA, 2013
18. Lecture "Against the boom of image recognition sensors”, Sketching in Hardware 2015, Biosphare 2, Arizona, USA, 2015
19. Lecture "Biofeedback Instruments and Improvisation”, 4th tempora International Meeting, Bordeaux, France, 2016
20. Lecture "Interactive Media Arts - New Ideas and New Technologies", General Lecture for Ekaterinburg's Contemporary Art Academy, Gorky library, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2016
21. Lecture "Interactive Media Arts - New Ideas and New Technologies", General Lecture - open public, Ural branch of the National Center for Contemporary Arts, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2016
22. Workshop "Introduction of Programming - Creating Art Objects", Practical Workshop for Art Academy's Designer Students, Center of Culture “Ordzhonikidzevsky”, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2016
23. Workshop "Interactive System Design - Creating Media Arts", Practical Workshop for Art Academy's Programmers Students, Center of Culture “Ordzhonikidzevsky”, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2016
25. Lecture "Human-Computer Interaction and Media Arts (part1/2)”, Lecture Workshop at MARS Gallery, MARS Gallery, Moscow, Russia, 2016


This is a lecture intended for the designer of the entertainment system. As a platform of an interactive entertainment system, it was popular to use "sensor+Gainer" with Max. However Gainer had retired in 2015, and now there are many solutions using Arduino family. The 1st point of this lecture is how to develop Arduino system not as low-level "stand-alone" system but as high-level "Max7 peripheral" system. The participants will learn two main technique - "Firmata+Maxuino" and “original Arduino2Max".

The 2nd point of this lecture is how to use "bio" sensors. To resist the boom of image recognition system like Kinect, I want to suggest to use bio-sensors and tactile sensors in entertainment computing. I introduce some special techniques to use Myo, MUSE and OpenBCI sensors and our original "VPP-SUAC" bio-sensor system. I also introduce how to interface the unique "PAW" tactile sensor via mbed to Max7. This is not "sitting/hearing" lecture, but a kind of "hands-on" workshop with participants' computer. Basically "Mac+Max7" people will be better, however "Windows+PureData" people can learn the essence.

Outline of tutorial workshop

Part 1 Case study of interactive system design
	I introduce a lot of cases in the interactive entertainment system with both PC-based and standalone.

Part 2 Introduction and explanation of "post-Gainer"
	(1) Gainer and Arduino - the concepts
	(2) Arduino - programming and interfaces
	(3) Max7, Processing and PureData - host environments
	(4) Firmata and Maxuino
	(5) Arduino2Max and its customize
	(6) Other solutions - mbed and Propeller

Part 3 techniques for Bio-sensors and tactile sensors
	(1) Myo and DoubleMyo
	(2) Muse
	(3) OpenBCI
	(4) PAW sensor (tactile sensor)
	(5) Introduction for original EMG/EEG sensor "VPP-SUAC"