NIME04 Submission deadlines
Performances : Performance proposals: January 31 2004 Notification of acceptance: March 15 2004 Program notes submission: April 15 2004 Papers, reports, posters and demos : Research paper, report, poster, demo: January 31 2004 Notification of acceptance: March 15 2004 Final paper submission: April 15 2004* Authors must pay an early registration fee by March 31, 2004, to have a paper included both in the program and proceedings.IMPORTANT: Please note that all submissions except "performance" should be photo-ready for publication and should be submitted only as [*****.pdf] file via internet. "*****" is your file name without "space" character.
"Word" document [*****.doc] file cannot be accepted.
IMPORTANT: Initial submission should be camera ready. However there will be a chance for minor revisions after the reviewing process is completed. The review this year will not be double blind, therefore there is no need to make the paper anonymous.
NIME04 Submission categories
NIME04 invites submission of research papers, reports, posters, demos and performances to be presented during the conference on the various aspects of new interfaces for musical expression, described in the NIME04 call for papers. Accepted paper may be changed/arranged its presentation category by advice of paper committee. Paper template is here. Paper sample (NIME03) is here. Resource for presentation is here.Research papers :
Reports :
- Research papers present new and original contributions to the field. Relevant previous work is discussed and the originality of the contribution is explicitly demonstrated, including its advantages and drawbacks compared to the existing literature.
- Length: 6 pages in the proceedings
Posters :
- Design and usability reports on new interfaces for musical expression. If possible, a demo during the conference is suggested.
- Length: 4 pages in the proceedings
Demos :
- Posters are similar to design reports, but differ from these on the maximum length and on the presentation method: posters will benefit from a highly interactive environment. Each poster presentation will last for the whole session time and posters will be displayed for more than a session, so the visibility of the work is increased.
- Length: 4 pages in the proceedings
Performances :
- NIME04 invites demonstration of working prototypes of new musical instruments, interfaces and demonstration of RENCON project. Successful applications in this category will be given a space to demonstrate their work during the conference.
- Length: 2 pages in the proceedings
- NIME04 welcomes submissions in the category of performance pieces.
- Submission must be COMPLETED works, NOT proposals for works.
- Successful submissions will be included in one of the two concerts associated with the event, on June 4 or June 5, and will be performed in a 650 seat auditorium (# # ) to an audience consisting of conference delegates and general attendees from Hamamatsu and the close region.
- Unlike the concert of ICMC, in a NIME04 concert session, NIME04/SUAC will not arrange a performer and instruments. For this reason, a plan is considered that composers accepted in the concert session will be exempted from the registration fee of NIME04. It is because a composer needs to solve arrangements of a performer/instrument personally.
- Please check NIME04/SUAC technical equipments and conditions : here.
- To submit a work for performance, please email a short description (plain text format only, - NOT attached/encoded/Word !) of the work ALL including below:
to the NIME04 artistic committee at nime04-concert.
- Name (composer/performer)
- Institution
- Address
- Title of work
- Year of composition
- Duration
- Instrumentation
- Short program notes(Artistic/Scientific appeals)
- Short biography
- The set-up time and rehearsal time required
- Detailed list of technical requirements (sound, light, stage area, etc.)
- Linked URL for demo/sample/performance movie (QuickTime or MPEG or AVI) *
(This movie serves as proof the work actually exists. Movie file size should not be larger than 20MB)- * If you cannot setup the linked-URL for demo/sample/performance movie, or if you want to send larger movies up to total 600MB, please send CDROM via real-mail to below:
Submissions to performance session will become invalid, when there is both (1) no URL information of the sample movie, and (2) no shipping CDROM of demo movies.1794-1, Noguchi-cho, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 403-8533 JAPAN Shizuoka University of Art and Culture Department of Design, 1106 Nagashima Lab NIME04 Secretariat- Technical questions concerning the available material at SUAC Hall should be directed to NIME04 Staff.
NIME04 Templates for papers, reports, posters and demos
NIME04 templates are provided by ACM SIG, and can be used to create a [*****.pdf] file. These templates are available here for both MS Word and LateX. If you decide to use Word templates, use the Word styles defined in the template instead of manually formatting your text. Then create your PDF file. Paper format samples (NIME03) are here.Please note that the "Categories and Subject Descriptors" as well as "General Terms" sections may be deleted from the ACM templates. However please keep the "Keywords" section and choose a few words to help categorize your paper. In addition, the ACM copyright box on the first page may be deleted.
IMPORTANT: Please note that submissions should be photo-ready for publication and should be submitted only as [*****.pdf] file .
"Word" document [*****.doc] file cannot be accepted.
If you have any problems or questions, please contact Michael Lyons.
NIME04/SUAC equipments and conditions
NIME04 is the basis of limited finances and is held using the institution and environment of SUAC. NIME04 participant needs to understand the following conditions well.General conditions/equipments :Good News
Since some supports were gained, only in a few, conditions became good.Equipments for presentation(paper/report) session :
- Power supply voltage of Japan is 100v. SUAC cannot be offered although a transformer is required for 220v apparatus. Although 110v apparatus works fundamentally, it may incorrect-operate rarely. Please check operating by just AC 100v.
It is a schedule supportable by renting some transformers.- For reasons of security, the information wall socket [Ethernet] in SUAC cannot be used. All of access outside the university, such as Web, mail(POP/SMTP), telnet and ftp, are intercepted.
The room of a registration desk is scheduled to be provided with two to three PCs for accessing Web mail.- Even if it is a presenter, its server cannot be accessed at on-line. Please store and prepare contents for CDROM and strage like a flash memory.
In the room of paper presentation, PC (powerpoint) for presentation by projector is scheduled to be prepared. However, there is no PC offered at the concert hall.- Realization of the work of a type which is referred to as "Carrying out a live session by the Internet" in a performance session is impossible for the same reason.
- NIME04 registration desk has a plan to offer only few computers for accessing common Web-mail. Please perform access of individual mail by the dial-up from your hotel. Please test before coming to Japan about a roaming setup for that.
Conditions/equipments for presentation(poster) session :
- Video(computer) projector (VGA-SVGA-XGA, NTSC-RCA, NTSC-Svideo)
- PA for notebook computer (stereo-mini)
- Overhead projector
- Camera for video projector
- Slide projector
- VHS(NTSC) and VHS(PAL) video player
- CD player
- Cassete player
Conditions/equipments for presentation(demo) session :
- Poster display panels, desks, AC100v supply
- Small PA for notebook computer (stereo-mini)
Conditions/equipments for performance(concert) session :
- Video(computer) monitor (VGA-SVGA-XGA, NTSC-RCA, NTSC-Svideo)
- PA for notebook computer (stereo-mini)
- VHS(NTSC only) video player
- CD player
- Cassete player
- PA is 2channels (stereo) only.
- A composer needs to summarize an output as one 2ch stereo signal. The output signal beyond it cannot be sent to PA mixer. Please bring a sub mixer if needed.
It is ready to offer small and cheap sub mixers. However, there is no fully satisfying guarantee.- Although a common microphone can be offered from SUAC, please bring the sub mixer and preamplifier for adjusting a microphone gain if needed. It is necessary to also bring a special microphone and a special stand.
It is ready to offer small and cheap sub mixers. However, there is no fully satisfying guarantee.- It is equipped fully with the screen and video projector on a stage. What can be projected is NTSC-video (RCA or S-video) and a computer (VGA-SVGA-XGA). It is equipped fully with the buffer which extends a signal from the computer near a stage.
We can offer DVD player. Please bring DVD contents without a region code.- About the lighting on a stage, it becomes the minimum correspondence by fundamental common arrangement. Two move pin spot can be arranged towards two points on a stage.
- CD player and DAT player are prepared for the place of a mixing console as playback equipment of background sound.
- There is grand piano of YAMAHA (normal piano, NOT Disklavier). However, attachment of a sensor etc. and "prepared piano" are prohibited.
- Regrettably, computers, a network, MIDI apparatus, etc. cannot be supported.
We can provide about the following. (1) Three sets of Capybara-320 (28DSP), (2)10 sets or more Roland USB-MIDI "UM-2", (3) 4 sets of AmericanDJ MIDIPAKWe have some limited support for equipment (above) to help support performance works if performers will have a difficult time bringing their own. Please contact us if there is a specific piece of equipment that you will not be able to bring and we will try to accomodate. Please be assured we will try our best but we cannot guarantee we will be able to provide the necessary equipment.