New Interfaces for Musical Expression
Media Lab Europe, Dublin, Ireland, May 24-26 2002
Highlights from the talks, demos, and concerts
Keynote Address
MIT Media Lab's Tod Machover reviews his work on HyperInstruments
Friday Concert
Jacques Dudon and the Photosonic Disk synaesthesizer
Alternative controllers pioneer and STEIM founder Michel Waiswisz playing
The Hands
Michel Waiswisz on "glitched handsonic" with vocals by Najib Cherradi
Electronic music pioneer David Wessel with the Situated Trio
Butch Rovan playing the Interactive Glove Controller
Saturday Talks and Demos
Robert Huott with the Kalimba and The Ski
Chilling to Cutaneous Grooves in the Vibrotactile Suit
Local Chair, Media Lab Europe's Sile O'Modhrain visits the Musical Box Garden
Tactex and Wacom interfaces were popular at NIME 02.
MLE and Limerick U.'s pressure sensing Sensor Floor and Sensor Chair
Axel Mulder demonstrating Infusion Systems I-Cube Interface and Sensors
Conference Chair Joe Paradiso with the passive magnetic tags developed by his group at the MIT Media Lab
Audiopad: Tangible Grooves from Hiroshi Ishii's group
The Thermenova - theremin from Planet X
The Vodhran - Limerick University's virtual bodhran
David Bernard explains the SKINS digital hand drum
Sid Fels and Bean entertain Sergi Jorda with the Tooka
Sachiyo trying out the CrackleBox - Michel Waiswisz' skin conductance sonifier
Here are two videoclips of the CrackleBox in action on the streets of Dublin:
cracklebox1.avi (3.4M),
cracklebox2.avi (1.8M)
Diana Young shows off the HyperViolin
From Stanford U.'s CCRMA the mother of all washboards, the Mutha Rubboard.
Bert Bongers and Yolande Harris ponder a question from the audience
Saturday Concert
Atau Tanaka in Tibet
Here are two videoclips of Atau Tanaka's performance:
atau_tanaka1.avi (2.0M),
atau_tanaka2.avi (2.6M)
Matthew Burtner and the Metasaxophone
Yolande Harris and Bert Bongers with the Video Organ
Leonello Tarabella playing his Imaginary Piano
Here are two videoclips of Leonello Tarabella's performance:
leonello_tarabella1.avi (3.0M),
leonello_tarabella2.avi (3.7M)
Sunday Talks
Gideon D'arcangelo may be wondering:
"How many MIT engineers will it take to get my Mac to work with this video projector?"
Closing Keynote Address
A tired but happy looking Joe Paradiso introduces interactive electronic music pioneer Joel Chadabe
Open Discussion about NIME 03
Marcelo Wanderley: Dublin today, tomorrow the world!.