Yoichi Nagashima
Yoichi Nagashima, composer/researcher/PE/PhD, was born in 1958 in Japan.
He learned and played some instruments: violin, recorder, guitar, keyboards, electric bass, drums, and vocal/choral music. He was the conductor of Kyoto University Choir and composed over 100 choral music, and studied nuclear physics there.
As the engineer of Kawai Musical Instruments, he developed some sound generator LSIs, and designed some electronic musical instruments, and produced musical softwares.
From 1991, He has been the director of "Art & Science Laboratory" in Japan Hamamatsu, produces many interactive tools of real-time music performance with sensor/MIDI, cooperates some researchers and composers, and composes experimentally pieces. He is also a key-member of Japanese computer music community.
From 2000, he has been also the associate professor at SUAC(Shizuoka University of Art and Culture), Faculty of Design, Department of Art and Science, and teaches multi-media, computer music and media-art. As a composer of computer music, he collaborates many musicians in his composition: Piano, Organ, Percussion, Vocal, Flute, Sho, Koto, Shakuhachi, Dance, etc.
In 2004, he organized and was the General Chair of NIME04, and he became the associate profrssor of master course of SUAC.
He was appointed professor in April 2007. He continued to teach undergraduate and graduate courses until March 2024 due to university retirement regulations. He supported over 350 works and projects of interactive/multimedia installations from 2000, composed/performed many works of computer music, and organized/performed many lectures/workshops in many places all over the world. He organized the ICEC2018 Tutorial Workshop [Bio-sensing Platforms for "Wellness Entertainment" System Design]. He got Ph.D (Media Art) from Kyoto City University of Arts in March 2020.
Research Papers (only English / MainAuthor)
- "An Experiment of Computer Music : Psuedo Granular Synthesis", Proceedings of 1992 IPSJ Symposium, IPSJ, 1992
- "Neural-Network Control for Real-Time Granular Synthesis", Proceedings of 1992 JSAI Symposium, JSAI, 1992
- "An Experiment of Real-Time Control for "Psuedo Granular" Synthesis", Proceedings of International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, ICMPC, 1992
- "Real-Time Control System for "Pseudo" Granulation", Proceedings of 1992 International Computer Music Conference , ICMA, 1992
- "Chaotic Interaction Model for Hierarchical Structure in Music", Proceedings of 1993 IPSJ Symposium
- "Musical Concept and System Design of [Chaotic Grains]", Research Paper Vol.93,No.32 (93-MUS-1), JPSJ SIGMUS, 1993
- "Chaotic Interaction Model for Real-Time Composition", Proceedings of 1992 JSAI Symposium, JSAI, 1992
- "PEGASUS-2 : Real-Time Composing Environment with Chaotic Interaction Model", Proceedings of 1993 International Computer Music Conference, ICMA, 1993
- "Chaotic Interaction Model for Compositional Structure", Proceedings of IAKTA / LIST International Workshop on Knowledge Technology in the Arts, IAKTA, 1993
- "Multimedia Interactive Art : System Design and Artistic Concept of Real-Time Performance with Computer Graphics and Computer Music", Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, ELSEVIER, 1995
- "A Compositional Environment with Interaction and Intersection between Musical Model and Graphical Model --- "Listen to the Graphics, Watch the Music" ---", Proceedings of 1995 International Computer Music Conference, ICMA, 1995
- "Real-Time Interactive Performance with Computer Graphics and Computer Music", Proceedings of the 7th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Man-Machina Systems, IFAC, 1998
- "BioSensorFusion:New Interfaces for Interactive Multimedia Art", Proceedings of 1998 International Computer Music Conference, ICMA, 1998
- "[It's SHO time] --- An Interactive Environment for SHO(Sheng) Performance", Proceedings of 1999 International Computer Music Conference, ICMA, 1999
- "Composition of [Visional Legend]", Proceedings of International Workshop on "Human Supervision and Control in Engineering and Music", IFAC, 2001
- "[IMPROVISESSION-II] : A Perfprming/Composing System for Improvisational Sessions with Networks", Proceedings of International Workshop on Entertainment Computing, IWEC, 2002
- "Interactive Multi-Media Performance with Bio-Sensing and Bio-Feedback", Proceedings of International Conference on Audible Display, ICAD, 2002
- "Interactive Multimedia Art with Biological Interfaces", Proceedings of 17th Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, IAEA, 2002
- "Bio-Sensing Systems and Bio-Feedback Systems for Interactive Media Arts", Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME, 2003
- "Combined Force Display System of EMG Sensor for Interactive Performance", Proceedings of 2003 International Computer Music Conference, ICMA, 2003
- "GDS (Global Delayed Session) Music - new improvisational music with network latency", Proceedings of 2003 International Computer Music Conference, ICMA, 2003
- "Drawing-in effect on perception/cognition of musical beats and visual beats", Proceedings of International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, ISMA, 2004
- "Controlling Scanned Synthesis by Body Operation", Proceedings of the 18th International Congress on Acoustics, ICA, 2004
- "Measurement of Latency in Interactive Multimedia Art", Proceedings of 4th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME, 2004
- "Students' projects of interactive media-installations in SUAC", Proceedings of International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME, 2006
- "GHI project and "Cyber Kendang", Proceedings of International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME, 2007
- "GHI Project : New Approach for Musical Instrument", Proceedings of 2007 International Computer Music Conference, ICMA, 2007
- "Parallel Processing System Design with "Propeller" Processor", Proceedings of International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME, 2009
- "Untouchable Instrument [Peller-Min]", Proceedings of International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME, 2010
- "Untouchable Instruments and Performances", Proceedings of 2011 International Computer Music Conference, ICMA, 2011
- "Untouchable Performance and Technology", Proceedings of Asia Computer Music Project 2011, ACMP, 2011
- "SUAC Studio Report", Proceedings of 2012 International Computer Music Conference, ICMA, 2012 "Comprovisession: Improvisational real-time composing environment for multimedia session performance", Proceedings of 2013 International Symposium on Performance Science, ISPS, 2013
- "Consumer Generated Media and Media Entertainment", Journal of International Scientific Publication: Media & Mass Communicationˇ˘ISSN 1313-2339, Published at:,ˇˇ2014
- "Assembling Music", Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Sound and Interactivity,ˇˇSI15, 2015
- "Multi Rubbing Tactile Instrument", Proceedings of International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME, 2016
- "Towards the BioFeedback Game --- with Interoception and Rehabilitation ---" Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications, 2016
- "Bio-Sensing and Bio-Feedback Instruments --- DoubleMyo, MuseOSC and MRTI2015 ---" Proceedings of 2016 International Computer Music Conference, 2016
- "Realtime Musical Composition System for Automatic Driving Vehicles" Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Entertainment Computing,ˇˇ2018
Lecture / Workshop (only English / outsideJAPAN)
- Lecture "Technology for Computer Music", Seoul, Korea, 1997
- Workshop "Sensors for Interactive Music Performance", ICMC2000, Berlin, Germany, 2000
- Workshop "Sensors for Interactive Music Performance", Studio CCMIX, Paris, France, 2001
- Lecture "Composition of [Visional Legend]", International Workshop on "Human Supervision and Control in Engineering and Music", Kassel, Germany, 2001
- Lecture "Interactive Media Art with Biological Interfaces", STEIM Open Lecture Cuncert Series, Amsterdam, Holland, 2004
- Lecture "Interfaces for Interactive Media Art", IRCAM Open Lecture, Paris, France, 2004
- Lecture "Interactive Art with Bio-Interfaces", La Kitchen Open Lecture, Paris, France, 2004
- Invited Lecture "Interactive Multi-Media Performance with New Interfaces", International Workshop on Computer Music and Audio Technology, National Chiao Tung University, 2007
- Keynote "Interactive Multi-Media Performance with New Interfaces", International Workshop on Interactive Media Art, Kainan University, 2007
- Lecture "SUAC Installation - Case Studies as Physical Computing -", Sketching in Hardware 2008, Rhode Island School of Design, 2008
- Lecture "Some interactive works ('08-'09) - case study of my sketching", Sketching in Hardware 2009, University College of London, 2009
- Tutorial "Parallel Processing Platform for Interactive Systems Design, International Conference on Entertainment Computing, Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, Paris, 2009
- Lecture "Technology for Computer Music / Interactive Multi-Media Performance with New Interfaces", Intertnational Festival/Competition SYNC.2010 Tutorial(1), The Ural State Conservatory, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2010
- Lecture "SUAC Installation - Case Studies as "Physical Computing" -", Intertnational Festival/Competition SYNC.2010 Tutorial(2), The Ural State Conservatory, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2010
- Lecture "Interactive Art with Bio-Interfaces", Intertnational Festival/Competition SYNC.2010 Tutorial(3), The Ural State Conservatory, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2010
- Lecture "Sketching as entertainment of design", Sketching in Hardware 2012, University of Oregon, 2012
- Lecture "New Platform for Design Entertainment", Sketching in Hardware 2013, PARC, 2013
- Lecture "Somatic Marker Feedback in Electromyogram Control", The 48th Colloquium on Perception & International Five-Sense Symposium, 2015
- Lecture "Against the boom of image recognition sensors", Sketching in Hardware 2015, Biosphare 2, University of Arizona, US, 2015
- Workshop "Assembling Music", SoundIslands Festival Si15, ArtScience Museum, Singapore, 2015
- Lecture "Biofeedback Instruments and Improvisation", 4th tempora International Meeting, Bordeaux, France, 2016
- Lecture "Interactive Media Arts - New Ideas and New Technologies", General Lecture for Ekaterinburg's Contemporary Art Academy, Gorky library, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2016
- Lecture "Interactive Media Arts - New Ideas and New Technologies", General Lecture - open public, Ural branch of the National Center for Contemporary Arts, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2016
- Workshop "Introduction of Programming - Creating Art Objects", Practical Workshop for Art Academy's Designer Students, Center of Culture ˇČOrdzhonikidzevskyˇÉ, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2016
- Workshop "Interactive System Design - Creating Media Arts", Practical Workshop for Art Academy's Programmers Students, Center of Culture ˇČOrdzhonikidzevskyˇÉ, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2016
- Lecture "Human-Computer Interaction and Media Arts (part1/part2)", Lecture Workshop at MARS Gallery, Moscow, Russia, 2016
- Lecture "Bio-Sensing and Bio-Feedback Interfaces --- doubleMyo, MuseOSC, PAWsensor ---", Lecture Workshop at Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo, 2017
- Tutorial "Bio-Sensing Platforms for [Wellness Entertainment] System Design", International Conference on Entertainment Computing, Poznan University of Technology, Poland, 2018
- Invited Talk "Interactive Multimedia Generated by Rubbing/Tactile Interfaces - Biofeedback Effects for Wellness Entertainment", Ars Electronica "Expanded Animation 2022" Symposium - "Synaesthetic Syntax: Gestures of Resistance" Linz, Austria, 2022 YouTube
Composition / Performance (only Computer Music)
- Live Recorded Tape Music "Growing Glue Grains", composed in 1992.
- Live Computer Music "Chaotic Grains", composed in 1992-1993.
1993.02.11 "Den-Gaku" concert, Jujiya Hall, Tokyo.
Piano: Ayano Fujiwara, Conductor: Yoichi Nagashima- Live Computer Music "CIS(Chaotic Interaction Show)", composed in 1993.
1993.09.16 Concert in the International Workshop for Knowledge Technology in the Art, Life HAll, Osaka.
Percussion: Manato Hanaishi, CG: Yasuto Yura, Conductor: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube YouTube- Live Computer Music "CIS(Chaotic Interaction Show)", composed in 1993.
1993.09.17 Kobe International Contemporary Music Festival, Xebec Hall, Kobe.
Percussion: Manato Hanaishi, CG: Yasuto Yura, Conductor: Yoichi Nagashima- Live Computer Music "Muromachi", composed in 1993.
1994.5.27-28 Goethe-Institut Kansai Hall, Kyoto.
Performance: Emiko Yahata, CG: Yasuto Yura
YouTube YouTube- Live Computer Music "Strange Attractor", composed in 1994.
1994.11.06 Japan Computer Music Association Concert, Xebec Hall, Kobe.
Piano: Sachiyo Yoshida
YouTube YouTube- Live Computer Music "Muromachi2", composed in 1994.
1994.11.06 Japan Computer Music Association Workshop, Xebec Hall, Kobe.
Performance: Asako Suzuki, CG: Yasuto Yura
YouTube- Multimedia Interactive Installation "Muromachi3", produced in 1995.
1995.05.20 Kyoto Art Festival Workshop, Tatsuike Elementary School, Kyoto.
CG: Yasuto Yura- Live Computer Music "Virtual Reduction", composed in 1995.
1995.10.05 Sound/Electronic Media, Goethe-Institut Hall, Tokyo.
Vocal: Junya Sasaki, Conductor: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube- Live Computer Music "David", composed in 1995.
1995.10.20 Japan-Deutch Media Art Festival, Goethe-Institut Kansai Hall, Kyoto.
Performance: Yasunari Fujita, CG: Yasuto Yura
YouTube- Live Computer Music "Virtual Reduction", composed in 1995.
1995.11.02 Kobe International Contemporary Music Festival, Xebec Hall, Kobe.
Vocal: Junya Sasaki,Katsuhiko Maehara, Conductor: Yoichi Nagashima- Multimedia Interactive Installation "Muromachi4", produced in 1996.
1996.07.12-28 Japan Computer Music Association Workshop, Xebec Hall, Kobe.
CG: Yasuto Yura- Live Computer Music "Asian Edge", composed in 1996.
1996.07.13 Japan Computer Music Association Concert, Xebec Hall, Kobe.
Performance: Sachiyo Yoshida, CG: Yasuto Yura
YouTube YouTube YouTube YouTube- Live Computer Music "Johnny", composed in 1996.
1996.10.16 Kyoto Media Week, Goethe-Institut Kansai Hall, Kyoto.
Performance: Sachiyo Yoshida, CG: Yasuto Yura
YouTube- Computer Music (Tape) "Perching Proteus", composed in 1997.
1997.03.11 Open Lecture, Souai Univ., Osaka.- Live Computer Music "Flying Proteus", composed in 1997.
1997.03.11 Open Lecture, Souai Univ., Osaka.
Performance: Sachiyo Yoshida- Live Computer Music "Ephemeral Shimmer", composed in 1997.
1997.03.26 JACOM Concert, YURIM Hall, Seoul, Korea.
Performance: Sachiyo Yoshida, CG: Yasuto Yura
YouTube- Live Computer Music "Brikish Heart Rock", composed in 1997.
1997.10.15 Kobe Yamate College Open Lecture Concert, Xebec Hall, Kobe.
Flute: Eri Sumimoto, Performance:Sayuri Sato
YouTube YouTube- Live Computer Music "The Day is Done", composed in 1997.
1997.10.15 Kobe Yamate College Open Lecture Concert, Xebec Hall, Kobe.
Voice: Reiko Shimokawa, Performance: Yoko Ishida
YouTube- Live Computer Music "Atom Hard Mothers", composed in 1997.
1997.10.15 Kobe Yamate College Open Lecture Concert, Xebec Hall, Kobe.
Optical Harp: Kana Tereda, Performance: Sachiyo Yoshida- Live Computer Music "Ten nimo Noboru Samusa desu", composed in 1997.
1997.11.24 JACOM Computer Music Independent Concert, Xebec Hall, Kobe.
Performance: Eri Sumimoto, Sayuri Sato, Syoko Yamaoka, Miki Watanabe, Sensor: Masaki Teruoka
YouTube- Live Computer Music "Atom Hard Mothers", composed in 1997.
1997.11.24 JACOM Computer Music Independent Concert, Xebec Hall, Kobe.
Optical Harp: Kana Tereda, Performance: Sachiyo Yoshida
YouTube YouTube YouTube- Live Computer Music "Ogress", composed in 1998.
1998.03.10 Open Lecture Concert, Souai Univ., Osaka.
Voice: Reiko Shimokawa
YouTube YouTube- Live Computer Music "Scenary", composed in 1998.
1998.03.10 Open Lecture Concert, Souai Univ., Osaka.
Sho: Kinuyo Hayashi
YouTube YouTube- Live Computer Music "Atom", composed in 1998.
1998.03.10 Open Lecture Concert, Souai Univ., Osaka.
Optical Harp: Kana Tereda
YouTube YouTube- Tape Music "Bit Extra Issue", composed in 1998.
CDROM of "Computer Music World", Kyoritsu Pub.
mp3 5MB- Live Performance "Yami-Nabe Band", composed in 1998.
1998.06.18 Live "3DIMENSIONS", Barton Hall, Osaka.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima, Masaki Teruoka, Fumitaka Nakamura, Tetsuro Shimamura, Tatsuo Yamaguchi, Kenji Kinoshita, Sayuri Sato- Live Computer Music "Visional Legend", composed in 1998.
1998.10.19 International Computer Music Festival, Xebec Hall, Kobe.
Sho: Tamami Tono
YouTube- Live Computer Music "Mycoplasma", composed in 1998.
1998.10.28 Kobe Yamate College Open Lecture Concert, Xebec Hall, Kobe.
Voice: Maiko Shiokawa
mp3 8MB
YouTube- Tape Music "Ogress2", composed in 1998.
CDROM of "Making Sound Electronics", ASL Pub.
mp3 10MB- Live Computer Music "Arrow of Time", composed in 1999.
1999.03.20 Open Lecture Concert, Souai Univ., Osaka.
Flute: Satoko Ohta
YouTube- Live Computer Music "Voices of Time", composed in 1999.
1999.03.20 Open Lecture Concert, Souai Univ., Osaka.
Flute: Satoko Ohta
YouTube- Live Computer Music "Bio-Cosmic Storm ver 0.7", composed in 1999.
1999.10.16 Kyoto Media Week '99, Goethe-Institut Kansai Hall, Kyoto.
Performance: Maiko Shiokawa
YouTube- Live Computer Music "Piano Prayer", composed in 1999.
1999.12.15 Kobe Yamate College Open Lecture Concert, Xebec Hall, Kobe.
Piano: Sachiyo Yoshida
YouTube YouTube- Live Computer Music "Bio-Cosmic Storm", composed in 1999.
1999.12.15 Kobe Yamate College Open Lecture Concert, Xebec Hall, Kobe.
Performance: Maiko Shiokawa
YouTube YouTube YouTube- Live Computer Music "Eternal Traveller", composed in 1999.
1999.12.15 Kobe Yamate College Open Lecture Concert, Xebec Hall, Kobe.
Optical Harp: Kana Tereda, Voice: Junko Shinohara
YouTube YouTube- Live Computer Music "Beijing Power", composed in 2000.
2000.03.11 Open Lecture Concert, Souai Univ., Osaka.
Hyper-Pipa: Yoichi Nagahima
YouTube YouTube- Live Computer Music "Great Acoustics", composed in 2000.
2000.03.11 Open Lecture Concert, Souai Univ., Osaka.
Organ: Maiko Shiokawa
YouTube YouTube- Multimedia Interactive Installation "Shin-Kai", produced in 2000.
2000.05.28 Open University Gallery, SUAC, Hamamatsu.
CG: Masumi Oyama, Misaki Kato, Masumi Kawasaki, Megumi Kitajoma, Fumie Hayashi, Collaborator: Lee Ongyok, Kiyonori Sato- Live Computer Music "Wandering Highlander", composed in 2000.
2000.09.17 IEEE Nagoya Symposium, Shizuoka Univ., Hamamatsu.
Performance: Natsuko Suzuki, CG: Masumi Oyama, Misaki Kato, Masumi Kawasaki, Megumi Kitajoma, Keiko Takagi, Yuka Takemori, Kiyono Tamori, Miki Shibuya, Asuka Suzuki
YouTube- Multimedia Interactive Installation "Ki-gen", produced in 2000.
2001.05.29 Open University Gallery, SUAC, Hamamatsu.
CG: Ayako Ibata, Yuika Takano, Runa Ohide, Noriko Takagi, Teruko Hiraoka, Manami Shibaya, Yukie Maruyama- Live Computer Music "Visional Legend ver.2001", composed in 2001.
2001.08.03 Media Art Festival 2001, SUAC, Hamamatsu.
Sho: Tamami Tono, CG: Masumi Oyama, Misaki Kato- Tape Music with Still Image "Ogress2", composed in 1998.
2001.08.03 Media Art Festival 2001, SUAC, Hamamatsu.
CG: Masumi Oyama- Live Computer Music "tegoto", composed in 2001.
2001.08.03 Media Art Festival 2001, SUAC, Hamamatsu.
13/17 strings Koto: Akiko Miyoshi
YouTube YouTube- Live Computer Music "BioCosmicStorm-II", composed in 2001.
2001.09.19 Workshop in CCMIX, Paris, France.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima- Live Computer Music "Visional Legend ver.2001", composed in 2001.
2001.09.22 Orchestraconcert of "Human Supervision and Control in Engineering and Music", Stadthalle Kassel, Germany
Sho: Tamami Tono, CG: Masumi Oyama, Misaki Kato
YouTube- Live Computer Music "BioCosmicStorm-II", composed in 2001.
2001.09.25 Ensembleconcert of "Human Supervision and Control in Engineering and Music", Kasseler Sparkasse Wolfsschlucht Kassel, Germany.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube- Live Computer Music "Visional Legend ver.2001", composed in 2001.
2001.09.25 Ensembleconcert of "Human Supervision and Control in Engineering and Music", Kasseler Sparkasse Wolfsschlucht Kassel, Germany.
Sho: Tamami Tono, CG: Masumi Oyama, Misaki Kato
YouTube- Live Computer Music "tegoto", composed in 2001.
2001.09.25 Ensembleconcert of "Human Supervision and Control in Engineering and Music", Kasseler Sparkasse Wolfsschlucht Kassel, Germany.
Koto: Akiko Miyoshi
YouTube- Live Computer Music "Japanesque Germanium", composed in 2001.
2001.09.25 Ensembleconcert of "Human Supervision and Control in Engineering and Music", Kasseler Sparkasse Wolfsschlucht Kassel, Germany.
Shakuhachi: Genzan Miyoshi, Sho: Tamami Tono, Koto: Akiko Miyoshi, iBook: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube- Live Computer Music "BioCosmicStorm-II", composed in 2001.
2001.09.26 Ensembleconcert of "Human Supervision and Control in Engineering and Music", Altonaer Museum Hamburg, Germany.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube- Live Computer Music "Visional Legend ver.2001", composed in 2001.
2001.09.26 Ensembleconcert of "Human Supervision and Control in Engineering and Music", Altonaer Museum Hamburg, Germany.
Sho: Tamami Tono, CG: Masumi Oyama, Misaki Kato- Live Computer Music "tegoto", composed in 2001.
2001.09.26 Ensembleconcert of "Human Supervision and Control in Engineering and Music", Altonaer Museum Hamburg, Germany.
Koto: Akiko Miyoshi- Live Computer Music "Japanesque Germanium", composed in 2001.
2001.09.26 Ensembleconcert of "Human Supervision and Control in Engineering and Music", Altonaer Museum Hamburg, Germany.
Shakuhachi: Genzan Miyoshi, Sho: Tamami Tono, Koto: Akiko Miyoshi, iBook: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube- Multimedia Work "Moya", produced in 2002.
2002, SUAC, Hamamatsu.
Sho: Tamami Tono, CG: Masumi Oyama, Misaki Kato
YouTube- Multimedia Performance "Moya-II", produced in 2002.
2002.08.22 Media Art Festival 2002, SUAC, Hamamatsu.
Performance: Takeko Kawamura
YouTube- Movie "JizoGazoDazo", produced in 2002.
2002.08.23 Media Art Festival 2002, SUAC, Hamamatsu.
Music: Led Zeppelin- Live Computer Music "Berlin Power", composed in 2002.
2002.08.23 Media Art Festival 2002, SUAC, Hamamatsu.
Bass Recorder: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube- Radio CM "Human Body Music", composed in 2002.
Sony Net-MD Walkman CM (FM Radio)
"2002-2003 ACC Festival" Finalist Award
mp3 1MB- Live Computer Music "Quebec Power", composed in 2003.
2003.05.24 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME03), McGill Univ., Montrael, Canada.
Bass Recorder: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube- Multimedia Performance "Moya-III", produced in 2004.
2004.06.03 Opening Perofmance of NINE2004, SUAC, Hamamatsu.
Performance: Tamami Tono
YouTube YouTube- Live Computer Music "Wriggle Screamer", composed in 2004.
2004.06.06 Media Art Festival 2004, SUAC, Hamamatsu.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube- Tape Music "Coin's Journey", composed in 2004.
2004.08.23 MOTUS Workshop Concert, Conservatoire Frederic Chopin, Paris, France.
mp3 6MB- Live Computer Music "BioCosmicStorm-III", composed in 2004.
2004.08.30 STEIM Lecture Concert, STEIM, Amsterdam, Holland.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube- Live Computer Music "Coin's Journey-2", composed in 2004.
2004.09.17 La Kitchen Lecture Concert, La Temple, Paris, France.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube- Live Computer Music "BioCosmicStorm-III", composed in 2004.
2004.09.17 La Kitchen Lecture Concert, La Temple, Paris, France.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube- Tape Music "Coin's Journey", composed in 2004.
2005.02.19 ACOUSMATIC MUSIC FESTIVAL, Espas Image, Tokyo.- Live Computer Music "Wriggle Screamer II", composed in 2005.
2005.05.27 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME05), University of British Columbia, Bancouver, Canada.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube YouTube- Live Computer Music "Nature System", composed in 2005.
2005.12.25 Concert of "Algorythm abd Body", Oogaki, Japan.
Performance: Rie Inagaki
YouTube- Live Computer Music "Cyber Kendang", composed in 2006.
2006.12.23 Media Art Festival 2006, SUAC, Hamamatsu.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube YouTube YouTube- Live Computer Music "BioCosmicStorm-III", revised in 2007.
2007.03.26 Concert for Art of Interactive performance, Auditorium of National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube- Live Computer Music "Cyber Kendang", revised in 2007.
2007.06.09 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME07), New York University, NY, USA
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube- Live Computer Music "Resonated Vibrations", composed in 2008.
2008.12.20 Media Art Festival 2008, SUAC, Hamamatsu.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube- Live Computer Music "controllable untouchableness", composed in 2009.
2009.12.05 InterCollege Computer Music Concert, Kunitachi College of Music, Tokyo.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube YouTube- Live Computer Music "controllable untouchableness", composed in 2009.
2010.09.25 Make Ogaki Meeting - Concert, Softpea Japan, Ogaki.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube YouTube YouTube- Live Computer Music "BioCosmicStorm-III", revised in 2007.
2010.12.07 Intertnational Festival/Competition SYNC.2010 Tutorial(2), The Ural State Conservatory, Yekaterinburg, Russia.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima- Live Computer Music "Ural Power", composed in 2010.
2010.12.09 Intertnational Festival/Competition SYNC.2010 Gala Concert, The Ural State Conservatory, Yekaterinburg, Russia.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube YouTube- Live Computer Music "Ural Power", composed in 2010.
2011.05.30 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME2010), University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube- Live Computer Music "Ural Power", composed in 2010.
2011.12.10 Concert of Asia Computer Music Project 2011, Tokyo Denki University, Tokyo.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube- Live Computer Music "Joyful Boxes", composed in 2012.
2012.08.25 Concert of Make Ogaki Meeting 2012, Softpia Japan, Ogaki.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube- Live Computer Music "GHI2014 demo", composed in 2014.
2014.02.05 Concert of Media Design Week 2014, SUAC, Hamamatsu.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube YouTube- Live Computer Music "GHI2014_Ogaki", composed in 2014.
2014.08.24 Concert of Ogaki Mini Maker Fair 2014, Softpia, Japan.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube YouTube YouTube- Live Computer Music "Bordeaux Power", composed in 2016.
2016.09.03 Concert of tempora international meeting 2016, Bordeaux, France.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube(rehearsal)- Live Computer Music "Bordeaux Power", composed in 2016.
2017.11.27 Lecture Workshop at Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo, 2017
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima- Live Computer Music "Profound Recursion", composed in 2023.
2023.12.16 Mini-Live of Media Design Week 2024, SUAC, Hamamatsu.
Performance: Yoichi Nagashima
YouTube YouTube