1999年10月22日 (1)


いま僕は、成田から北京に向かうJALの機内です。 毎年恒例の「ICMCレポート」ですが、今年は某ルートより フライトチケットのスポンサーを獲得しましたが、別に レポート提出の義務が無い(^_^)、という好条件ですので、 例によって勝手な私的レポートをお届けできることに なりました。例年、ICMCのレポートを同時進行で持参した ノートパソコンに打ち込み、帰国するとNiftyの会議室とか 僕のWebに置いたりして、皆さんの参考になればと公開 してきたのですが、遂に今年は、現地レポート(ほぼ同時 進行)というのを狙っています。

僕は複数のプロバイダに入っていますし、このWebサーバの 実体はシカゴ付近にあるらしい(^_^;)のですが、これまでは あくまで「事後報告」でした。もちろん全てのレポートは、 ストリームのライブでもない限り事後報告なのですが、今回 は初の試みとして、プロバイダの海外ローミングサービスの 登録を行い、北京のホテルから市内通話でアクセスポイントに 接続して、DailyのレポートをWebにそのままアップする、と いう事にチャレンジしてみることにしました。(^_^;)

...と書きながら、もしてかして接続に失敗すれば、このあたり のテキストは削除して後日アップすることになります(^_^;)。 例年、1週間以上のICMCから帰国して閉口するのが、その途絶 の間に溜まった未読メイルの処理なのですが、今年はそれを現地で 消化しておこう、という事が最大の動機です。

成田空港からこのフライトで御一緒したのは、笙奏者・作曲家の 東野珠実さん、そしてギター奏者の佐藤さんです。飛行機の座席 が僕だけ離れているので、これを書いています。(^_^;)

さっきまで搭乗ゲートで東野さんと、ICMC発表の準備を兼ねながら 一緒にMSPのパッチを作っていたので、あまりバッテリの残りが ありませんので、とりあえずいつものように、今年のICMCの 暫定予告プログラム一覧とともに、簡単なコメントを書いておく ことにします。順調にいけば、北京到着後に、ホテルからこの記事 をWebにFTPして、さらにその案内を皆さんにメイルできる筈です。(^_^)

Friday  October 22

Matinee Concert 1  13:00-14:00

          Benjamin Broening, Via Negativa: The Cloud of Forgetting (4:30)
          Fernando Lopez-Lezcano, iICEsCcRrEeAaMm (8:10)
          John Gibson, Thrum (8:55)
          Bob Sturm, Resurrection (7:13)
          Robert J. Frank, Zymurgy (8:35)
          James Croson, Two to the Two (4:21)
          Luca Pavan, Four Town Landscapes (9:10)
          Shahrokh Yadegari, Bloody Tear (9:10)

このコンサートは、まだ北京に到着していないので、聴けません(^_^;)。 だいたい、成田を10:40に出発する筈でしたが、実際にテイクオフ したのは12:05でした(^_^;)。 大連でなにか管制トラブルがあったのが、遠く成田にも波及した らしいです。


Evening Concert 1   Clarinet & Flute   20:00-22:30

          John Richey, the mere charm of unaccustomed whirring noises (0:45)
          Diane Thome, Bright Air/Brilliant Fire (flute) (11:00)
          Yu-chung Tseng, Drinking Alone Under the Moon (clarinet) (7:33)
          Wayne Siegel, Jackdaw (clarinet) (10:00)
          Judith Shatin, Kairos (flute) (14:00)
          David Layman, Memory of a Gulf Coast Midnight (flute) (7:30)
          Bret Battey, Pater Noster's Tricyclic Companion (flute) (7:50)
          Shintaro Imai, resonant waves (clarinet) (10:00)

これで、初日10/22はオシマイです。そして、いよいよ翌日は、僕の 発表もあり、いちばん緊張する一日です。(^_^;)

Saturday  October 23 

9:30 - 10:50	Paper Session 1a		 
		Audio Analysis & Re-synthesis I 

9:30		Simulation of Plucked Strings Exhibiting Tension Modulation 
		Driving Force 
		Tolonen Tero, Erkut Cumhur, Valimaki Vesa, Karjalainen Matti 

9:55		From Expressive Notation to Model-Based Sound Synthesis:  
		A Case Study of the Acoustic Guitar 
		Laurson Mikael, Hiipakka Jarmo, Erkut Cumhur, Valimaki Vesa, 
		Karjalainen Matti, Kuuskankare Mika 

10:20		Analysis and Critical-Band-Based Group Wavetable Synthesis of
		Piano Tones 
		Zheng Hua, Beauchamp James 

9:30 - 10:50	Paper Session 1b		 
		Composition Systems and Techniques I 

9:30		Higher-level Compositional Control in Music Sketcher: Modifiers 
		and Smart Harmony 
		Oppenheim Daniel, Abrams Steve, Pazel Don, Wright James  

9:55		PWCollider - A Visual Composition Tool for Software Synthesis 
		Laurson, Mikael 

10:20		Composing with Multi-Channel Spatialisation as an Aspect of 
		Clarke, Michael 

10:00 - 11:00	Demonstration I 

		A New Continuous Multimodal Musical Controller Using Wireless 
		Magnetic Tags 
		Hsiao Kai-yuh, Paradiso Joseph 

以上の一連のセッションですが、残念ながら見ることができません。 というのも、以下のposterでは、僕と東野さんの連名の発表があり、 その準備もあり、さらに時間帯はずっとroomに詰めているためです。 なんと隣の部屋では、毎年ICMC会場でお会いする、お友達のイチロー さんの発表もあります。今年はイチローさんの発表は、4件も あります。パワフルですねー。(^_^)

10:00 - 11:00	Poster Session I 

Room 1		Evaluation of Architectures for Sound Generation Systems with 
		respect to Interactive Gestural Control and Realtime Performance 
		Modler Paul, Kirk Ross 

Room 2   	"It's SHO time" --- An Interactive Environment for SHO(Sheng) 
		Yoichi Nagashima, Tamami Tono-Ito  

Room 3		A Comparative Latency Study of Hardware and Software 
		Yoo Lilit, Fujinaga Ichiro 

そして、たぶん上記セッションの余韻で、続く午前の以下のセッションも、 もしかすると見れない可能性が(^_^;)。西村さんというのは、たぶん 会津大のRepresantationをやっている西村さんだと思います。

11:00 - 12:20	Paper Session 2a		 
		Audio Analysis & Re-synthesis II 

11:00		Data Compression of Sinusoidal Modeling Parameters Based on 
		Psychoacoustics Masking 
		Garcia, Guillermo  Pampin, Juan  

11:25		ATS: a Lisp Environment for Spectral Modeling 
		Pampin, Juan  

11:50		Resynthesis of Piano String Vibrations Based on Physical 
		Daudet Laurent, Guillemain Philippe, Kronland-Martinet Richard  

11:00 - 11:50	Paper Session 2b		 
		Composition Systems and Techniques II 

11:00		PIECE: A Music Language Editor Synchronized with Graphical Views 
		Nishimura Satoshi 

11:25		Two Compositions for Interactive Dance 
		Siegel Wayne  

11:30 - 12:30	Demonstration II 

		How to Produce Chinese Folk Music Using Regular MIDI Equipment  
		Liu Shuiling, Gong Junping 

11:30 - 12:30	Poster Session II 

Room 1		ComeXos: A Networked Sound Manipulation Primer 
		Yong Louisa 

Room 2   	Antialiasing for Nonlinearities: Acoustic Modeling and Synthesis 
		Thornburg Harvey 

Room 3		Sound of China: Computer Music 
		Yu Ying 

そして、午後イチでは、以下のコンサートです。たぶん、この マチネコンサートというのは、Performanceの比重の低い、テープ 中心のものと思われます。

Matinee Concert 2  13:00-14:00

          Rose Dodd, Excess Pitch (9:00)
          Simon Kunath, Stumbling Not Running ? Part Two (0:54)
          Andrew Lewis, Can (11:54)
          Aekyung Han, Reflection (9:20)
          Joseph Hyde, Last Minute (1:00)
          Mark Bromwich, Route (12:12)

続く以下のセッションでは、僕は予定としてはPaper 3bの セッションを覗くつもりでいます。Open-GLのアニメーション も捨てがたいのですが。(^_^;)

14:00 - 15:20	Paper Session 3a		 
		Sound Synthesis Method I 

14:00		Second-order Recursive Oscillators for Musical Additive Synthesis 
		Applications on SIMD and VLIW Processors 
		Freed Adrian, Hodes Todd  

14:25		Spectral Line Broadening with Transform Domain Additive 
		Freed Adrian  

14:50		Generating Pitches in Transients by a Percussive Excitation 
		Fourcade Patrick, Mangiarotti Sylvain, Cadoz Claude 

14:00 - 14:50	Paper Session 3b		 
		Music in China 

14:00		The Design and Implementation of a Processing System of Qin Score 
		(Jianzipu) QinS(1.0) 
		Li Sixin 

14:25		Voice Creation and the Chinese Folk Music  
		Liu Shuiling, Gong Junping  

14:30 - 15:30	Demonstration III 

		Applications of the Processor Enhanced Memory Module for Music 
		Signal Processing 
		Trautmann Steven, Cheung Ngai-Man, Poletto Christopher 

14:30 - 15:30	Poster Session III 

Room 1		Feeping Creatures  
		Berry Rodney 

Room 2   	Creating Three-Dimensional Computer Animations Using Spectral 
		Data and OpenGL 
		Kreger Tim 

Room 3		Heightening Access and Cohesion within the Worlds of 
		Electroacoustic Music: The Promotion of Triangulation in 
		Creativity, Development and Scholarship 
		Landy Leigh 

そして、続く以下のセッションでは、我らがNTTの小坂さんの モーフィングがあります。デモは慶應SFCの岩竹さんのところ かと思います。なんと、またまたイチローさんの発表もあります。 (^_^;)

15:30 - 16:50	Paper Session 4a		 
		Sound Synthesis Method II 

15:30		Modalys in jMax: Real-Time Modal-Synthesis 
		Iovino Francisco, Lartillot Olivier, Schnell Norbert  

15:55		An Approach to Sound Morphing based on Physical Modeling 
		Hikichi Takafumi, Osaka Naotoshi  

16:20		Sound Modeling of Transient and Sustained Musical Sounds 
		Ystad Solvi, Guillemain Philippe, Kronland-Martinet Richard  

15:30 - 16:50	Paper Session 4b		 

		Music Data Structure and Representation 

15:30		Towards Digital "Musical Actions" 
		Bonardi Alain, Rousseaux Francis 

15:55		The Use of Melodic Segmentation for Content-Based Retrieval of 
		Musical Data  
		Melucci Massimo, Orio Nicola  

16:20		Content Analysis and Queries in a Sound and Music Database 
		Pope Stephen Travis, Orio Nicola, Roy Pierre 

16:00 - 17:00	Demonstration IV 

		"SNAP" -Sound Network Agent Project- Multi Agent System using 
		Csound in the Internet  
		Ohnaka Fumitake 

16:00 - 17:00	Poster Session IV 

Room 1		Piano Master Classes via the Internet 
		Young John, Fujinaga Ichiro 

Room 2   	Kinetic Sound Sculptures - Stele and Viola Spezzata 
		Eckel Gerhard  

Room 3		ASPEN/EXPLORE: A Multiprocessing Assistant for Electroacoustic 
		Music Composers  
		Field Ambrose 

そして、この夕方のコンサートでは、日本からギタリストの佐藤さん が招待されました。楽しみです。(^_^)

Matinee Concert 3:  Norio Sato  17:00-18:00

          Mark Applebaum, Aphoristic Fragment 1 (tape) (1:00)
          Yukiko Ito, ruin ruin (guitar) (8:20)
          Paul Koonce, Breath of the Machine, ICMC Commissioned Piece (tape)
          Rodrigo Sigal, Dolor en Mi (guitar) (14:15)

晩のコンサートでは、ICMC1999実行委員長 Josef Fung さんの作品も 入っています。地元シード、かな。(^_^;)

Evening Concert 2   Yang Liping    20:00-22:30

          Chin-Chin Chen, Points of Arrival (with violin) (8:30)
          Matthew Adkins, Mapping (14:20)
          Madelyn Byrne, Atlantic Reverberations (10:32)
          Josef Fung, Blood 
          Dajuin Yao, Garden of Memories (13:40)
          Yee On Lo, Dreams-Sequence (14:00)
          Allessandro Cipriani, Al Nur (La Luce) (17:00)


Sunday  October 24 

9:30 - 10:50	Paper Session 1a		 
		Audio Analysis & Re-synthesis III 

9:30		Automatic Capture for Spectrum-Based Instrument Models 
		Dannenberg Roger, Matsunaga Minoru  

9:55		Inversion of a Physical Model of a Trumpet 
		Helie Thomas, Vergez Christophe, Levine Jean, Rodet Xavier   

10:20		SINOLA: A New Analysis/Synthesis Method using Spectrum Peak Shape 
		Distorsion, Phase and Reassigned Spectrum 
		Peeters Geoffroy, Rodet Xavier  

9:30 - 10:20	Paper Session 1b		 
		Music Education 

9:30		The Computer Music Education in the Music Composition & 
		Engineering Department of Wuhan Conservatory of Music 
		Tong Zhongliang  

9:55		The Virtual Sound On Line - Computer Music Courses on the 
		Bianchini Riccardo, Cipriani Alessandro 

10:00 - 11:00	Demonstration I 

		The Synthesis ToolKit (STK) 
		Cook Perry, Scavone Gary 

10:00 - 11:00	Poster Session I 

Room 1		Musically Intelligent Agent for Composition and Interactive 
		Hirata Keiji, Aoyagi Tatsuya 

Room 2   	Evolutionary Strategies for Spontaneous Man-Machine Interaction 
		Beyls Peter 

Room 3		Toward Real-Time Recognition of Acoustic Musical Instruments 
		Fujinaga Ichiro, Fraser Angela 

以上の10/24午前イチのセッションでは、Paper 1aを覗く予定と しました。ダンネンバーグの話も興味があります。なんと、またまた イチローさんの発表があります。3件目です。(^_^;)

11:00 - 12:20	Paper Session 2a		 
		Audio Analysis & Re-synthesis IV 

11:00		Granular Synthesis of Sound Textures using Statistical Learning 
		Bar-Joseph Ziv, Lischinski Dani, Werman Michael, Dubnov Shlomo, 
		El-Yaniv Ran   

11:25		Supporting the Sound Description Interchange Format in the 
		Max/MSP Environment 
		Wright Matthew, Khoury Sami, Wang Raymond, Zicarelli David, Dudas 

11:50		Alteration of the Vibrato of a Recorded Voice 
		Arfib Daniel, Delprat Nathalie  

11:00 - 11:50	Paper Session 2b		 
		Artificial Intelligence 

11:00		Learning Models for Interactive Melodic Improvisation 
		Thom Belinda  

11:25		Motor Neuron Based Virtual Drummer 
		Laine Pauli  

11:30 - 12:30	Demonstration II 

		The Musician's Software Mall - A set of Composition and 
		Performance Oriented Applications for Sound Synthesis 
		Resina Eduard, Serra Xavier 

11:30 - 12:30	Poster Session II 

Room 1		Avoiding the Fitness "Bottleneck":  Using Genetic Algorithms to 
		Compose Orchestral Music 
		Waschka Rodney 

Room 2   	Creating Music in a Machine Age: the Relations between Tools, 
		Composer, and Music Making Machines 
		Li Tang-Chun 

Room 3		Aspects of Stochastic Music 
		Berhoerster Conrad     

以上の午前二番手のセッションでは、あれこれソソラレル 話題があります。まだ現地に着いていないので、どのくらい スワップする時間が必要なのか不明なので、あまり厳密な作戦 は立てられません。これ以降の作戦は、現地で考えることに なりそうです。
そしてこの日の午後には、橋本先生の早稲田の発表も 登場します。(^_^)

Matinee Concert 4  13:00-14:00

          Douglas Geers, Hole in Pocket (1:06)
          Diane Thome, Enfold Entwine (15:17)
          Paul Lansky, Heavy-Set (14:07)
          Francis Dhomont, En Cuerdas (11:27)
          Anna Rubin, Family Stories: Sophie, Sally (16:15)

14:00 - 15:20	Paper Session 3a		 
		Sound Synthesis Method III 

14:00		From Timbre Modulation Method to Research the Relation Between 
		Electronic Music and Chinese Musical Tradition 
		Leng Censong 

14:25		Friction and Application to Real-Time Physical Modeling of a 
		Serafin Stefania, Rodet Xavier, Vergez Christophe  

14:50		Nonlinear Modeling and Synthesis of the Kantele --- a Traditional 
		Finnish String Instrument 
		Valimaki Vesa, Karjalainen Matti, Tolonen Tero, Erkut Cumhur 

14:00 - 15:20	Paper Session 3b		 
		Performance Interface I 

14:00		Cathedral: An Interactive Work for the Web 
		De Ritis Anthony 

14:25		Design of a Flute Interface to Control Synthesis Models 
		Ystad Solvi, Voinier Thierry 

14:50		BoSSA: The Deconstructed Violin Reconstructed 
		Trueman Dan, Cook Perry 

14:30 - 15:30	Demonstration III 

		Music Creation from Moving Image and Environmental Sound 
		Takahashi Shogo, Sawada Hideyuki, Hashimoto Shuji,  Suzuki Kenji 

14:30 - 15:30	Poster Session III 

Room 1		Statistical vs. Connectionist Models of Bebop Improvisation 
		Hornel Dominik, Langnickel Joachim, Sandberger Bastian,  Sieling 

Room 2		Common Practice Notation View: a Score Representation for the 
		Construction of Algorithms 
		O Maidin Donncha 

Room 3		Feedback in Musical Computer Applications 
		Laine Pauli, Lassfolk Kai 

15:30 - 16:50	Paper Session 4a		 
		Audio Signal Processing I 

15:30		Adaptive Additive Synthesis of Sound 
		Roebel Axel  

15:55		Structured Additive Synthesis: Towards a Model of Sound Timbre 
		and Electroacoustic Music Forms 
		Desainte-Catherine Myriam, Marchand Sylvain 

16:20		Audio Signal Representation and Processing In Time-Frequency 
		Wang Ye, Vilermo Miikka  

15:30 - 16:20	Paper Session 4b		 
		Performance Interface II 

15:30		Performance Factors in Control of High-Dimensional Spaces 
		Garnett Guy, Goudeseune Camille  

15:55		MusicSpace: a Constraint-Based Control System for Music 
		Pachet Francois, Delerue Olivier 

16:00 - 17:00	Demonstration IV 

		Composing for the Digital Dance Interface 
		Siegel Wayne, Jacobsen Jens 

16:00 - 17:00	Poster Session IV 

Room 1		Dixieland-Gamelan Band? Encounters of an Algorithmic Kind 
		Harley, James 

Room 2   	Sonification of Social Data 
		de Campo Alberto, Egger-de-Campo Marianne  

Room 3		SMaTBaM! -Serving Time-Based Media in the Performing Arts 
		Boehm Carola, Arnold Stephen 

そして10/24の晩のコンサートです。この「SHO」は、たぶん 東野珠実さんが演奏するのだと思います。(^_^;)

Evening Concert 3  Chinese & Japanese Virtuosi     20:00-22:30

          Ronald Alford, Thoughts of Blossoms (tape) (1:00)
          Ken Fields, Beijing (erhu) (9:51)
          Joseph Waters, When the Clouds So Boldly Painted on the Sky (zheng) (10:00)
          Ambrose Field, Expanse Hotel (Commissioned Tape Piece) (11:08)
          Kojiro Umezaki, 3eme Langue (shakuhachi and sho) (10:34)
          Bill Alves, In-yo (xiao) (13:00)
          Christopher Keyes, Li Jiang Etudes #1 (tape) (11:20)
          Lydia Ayers, Ghost Shadow in Fragile Light (ensemble) (10:00)

そして、ぼちぼちペースに乗ってきたICMCは3日目を迎えます。 この日の午前セッションでは、なんと「ダブル平賀」の連チャン というか独占セッションがあります。(^_^)

Monday  October 25 

9:30 - 10:50	Paper Session 1a		 
		Acoustics of Musical Instrument and Voice I 

9:30		A Digital Version of the Photosonic Instrument 
		Arfib Daniel, Dudon Jacques 

9:55		Reed Instruments Modular Representation and their Interactive 
		Real Time Simulation CORDIS-ANIMA 
		Florens Jean-Loup, Germond J. 

10:20		From Song of Birds to Extended Virtual Reed Instruments - 
		Physical Modelling of Birds' Vocal Tracks and Application to a 
		New King of Sound Sustain Virtual Instruments 
		Cadoz Claude, Florens Jean-Loup, Gubian Sylvain 

9:30 - 10:20	Paper Session 1b		 
		Music Analysis I 

9:30		Content-Based Retrieval and Indexing Methods for Music Databases 
		Hiraga Yuzuru 

9:55		A Computer-Assisted Music Analysis System: Daphne 
		Liu Jianli, Hiraga Rumi, Igarashi Shigeru 

10:00 - 11:00	Demonstration I 

		VMCI, An Interface to Control Csound in Real-Time Under Windows 
		Maldonado Gabriel  

10:00 - 11:00	Poster Session I 

Room 1		MidiShare Joins the open Source Softwares 
		Fober Dominique, Letz Stephane, Orlarey Yann 

Room 2   	A Comparison of Feed Forward Neural Network Architectures for 
		Piano Music Transcription 
		Marolt Matija 

Room 3		Using Relative Interval Slope in Music Information Retrieval 
		Lemstrm Kjell, Laine Pauli, Perttu Sami 

続く午前のセッションでは、片寄さんが河原先生と組んだ、音声の 技術をComputer Musicに応用したネタの発表です。(^_^)

11:00 - 12:20	Paper Session 2a		 
		Acoustics of Musical Instrument and Voice II 

11:00		Banded Waveguides: Towards Physical Modeling of Bowed Bar 
		Percussion Instruments 
		Essl Georg, Cook Perry  

11:25		Physical Modeling by Directly Solving Wave PDE 
		Palumbi Marco, Seno Lorenzo  

11:50		Applying STRAIGHT toward Music Systems - Accurate F0 Estimation 
		and Application for Data-driven Synthesis - 
		Katayose Haruhiro, Kawahara Hideki  

11:00 - 11:50	Paper Session 2b		 
		Music Analysis II 

11:00		A Theoretical Framework for Electro-Acoustic Music 
		Simoni Mary, Broening Benjamin, Rozell Christopher, Meek Colin, 
		Wakefield Gregory  

11:25		Segmentation and Interpretation in Atonal Music 
		Doerksen John 

11:30 - 12:30	Demonstration II 

		InSpect and ReSpect: Spectral Modeling, Analysis and Real-Time 
		Synthesis Software Tools for Researchers and Composers 
		Marchand Sylvain, Strandh Robert 

11:30 - 12:30	Poster Session II 

Room 1		Applications of Principal Differential Analysis to Data Reduction 
		and Extraction of Musical Features of Sound 
		Winsberg Suzanne, Depalle Philippe 

Room 2   	Analysis and Resynthesis of Percussion Sounds: Two Methods 
		Beauchamp James 

Room 3		Spectral Envelope Estimation and Representation for Sound 
		Schwarz Diemo, Rodet Xavier 

そして午後のマチネコンサート。10分とか14分とか、長いのが ありますね。(^_^;)

Matinee Concert 5  13:00-14:00

          Yee On Lo, Ying Yeur (0:53)
          Huaming Xue, Bell Spirit (10:55)
          Jon Drummond, Splinter (6:40)
          Christopher Penrose, Shinsetsuna (6:01)
          John Levack Drever, Butterfly Lovers (14:00)
          Alistair Riddel, Steam Land (9:45)
          Anthony De Ritis, Plum Blossoms (5:51)

この日の午後にも、早稲田の橋本先生のところがありました。 去年はペーパーに振られた、とショックでしたが、今年は ちゃんとリベンジしています。(^_^)

14:00 - 14:50	Paper Session 3a		 
		Acoustics of Musical Instrument and Voice III 

14:00		Modeling Wind Instrument Sound Radiation using Digital Waveguide  
		Scavone Gary 

14:25		Audibility of Inharmonicity in String Instrument Sounds, and 
		Implications to Digital Sound Synthesis  
		Jarvelainen Hanna, Valimaki Vesa, Karjalainen Matti  

14:00 - 15:20	Paper Session 3b		 
		Interactive Performance System I 

14:00		The SensOrg: Time-complexity and the Design of a Musical 
		Ungvary Tamas, Vertegaal Roel  

14:25		Conductor Following With Artificial Neural Networks 
		Ilmonen Tommi, Takala Tapio 

14:50		Virtual Conducting Practice Environment 
		Garnett Guy, Malvar-Ruiz Fernando, Stoltzfus Fred 

14:30 - 15:30	Demonstration III 

		Gestural Control of a Real-Time Physical Model of a Bowed String 
		Serafin Stefania, Rodet Xavier, Dudas Richard, Wanderley Marcelo 

14:30 - 15:30	Poster Session III 

Room 1		A Parametric Model of Expressiveness in Musical Performance Based 
		on Perceptual and Acoustic Analyses 
		Canazza Sergio, Rod Antonio, Orio Nicola 

Room 2		Modelling the Motivic Process of Melodies with Markov Chains 
		Hothker Karin, Hornel Dominik 

Room 3		Formalizing the Concept of Sound 
		Kaper Hans, Tipei Sever 

15:30 - 16:50	Paper Session 4a		 
		Audio Signal Processing II 

15:30		The Timbre Space of the Classical Guitar and its Relationship 
		with the Plucking Techniques 
		Orio Nicola 

15:55		Using Advanced GUIDO as a Notation Interchange Format 
		Hoos Holger, Hamel Keith, Renz Kai  

16:20		Common Lisp Music update report 
		Pampin Juan, Lopez-Lezcano Fernando  

15:30 - 16:20	Paper Session 4b		 
		Interactive Performance System II 

15:30		The Notation of Interactive Music: Limitations and Solutions 
		Schedel Margaret 

15:55		Interactive Multimodal Mobile Robot for Musical Performance 
		Suzuki Kenji, Ohashi Takeshi, Hashimoto Shuji 

16:00 - 17:00	Demonstration IV 

		Armadillo: Real Time and Non-Real Time Analysis of Musical Sounds 
		on a Power Macintosh 
		Madden Timothy, Beauchamp James 

16:00 - 17:00	Poster Session IV 

Room 1		Binary Decision Tree Classification of Musical Sounds 
		Jensen Kristoffer, Arnspang Jens 

Room 2   	Improving Instrumental Sound Synthesis by Modeling the Effects of 
		Performer Gesture 
		Wanderley Marcelo, Depalle Philippe, Warusfel Olivier 

Room 3		Sound Processing Kit - An Object-Oriented Signal Processing 
		Lassfolk Kai 

この晩のコンサートは、Computer Musicで数多く取り上げられて いる素材、トランペットとパーカッションにスポットを当てています。 なんか、楽しみです。(^_^)

Evening Concert4   Percussion & Trumpet    20:00-22:30

          Andrew Horner, Midday Chimes (tape) (1:00)
          Paul Rudy, and every island and mountain were moved (trumpet) (12:00)
          Joyce Tang, Between Memory and Reality (percussion) (8:00)
          Jarmo Sermila, But I Didn't Know It Was Spring (trumpet) (9:56)
          Clarence Mak, Melt into Dreams (percussion) (11:20)
          James Dashow, Morfologie (trumpet) (16:30)
          Eric Chasalow, Out of Joint (trumpet) (5:49)
          Hector Fiore, Son sin Marimba (percussion) (12:45)
          Ching-Wen Chao, Soundstates (percussion) (10:00)

そして、10/26となります。大詰め近し。この日の午前には、またまた NTTの小坂さんたち、そして、ヤマハからCCRMAに留学していた藤島さん の発表があります。和音をリアルタイムに認識する、というのは、たしか 先日発表のヤマハのソフトにありましたよね。なーーーるほど。(^_^)

Tuesday  October 26 

9:30 - 10:20	Paper Session 1a		 
		Expressive Environment 

9:30		Expressive Processing of Audio and MIDI Performances in Real 
		Canazza Sergio, DiFederico Riccardo, Drioli Carlo, Rod Antonio, 
		DePoli Giovanni  

9:55		Visual Manipulation Environment for Sound Synthesis, Modification 
		and Performance 
		Osaka Naotoshi, Hikichi Takafumi  

9:30 - 10:50	Paper Session 1b		 
		Machine Recognition I 

9:30		Comparative Style Analysis with Neural Networks 
		Hornel Dominik, Olbrich Frank 

9:55		Low-delay Singing Voice Alignment to Text 
		Loscos Alex, Cano Pedro, Bonada Jordi 

10:20 		Score-Performance Matching Using HMMs 
		Cano Pedro, Loscos Alex  

11:00 - 12:20	Paper Session 2a		 
		Interactive Performance System III 

11:00		jMax Recent Developments 
		Dechelle Francois, DeCecco Maurizio, Maggi Enzo, Schnell Norbert 

11:25		MusiCloth: A Design Methodology for the Development of a 
		Performance Interface 
		Chu Lonny  

11:50		Interactive Music for Instrumented Dancing Shoes 
		Paradiso Joseph, Hu Eric, Hsiao Kai-yuh 

11:00 - 12:20	Paper Session 2b		 
		Machine Recognition II 

11:00		A Content-Aware Sound Browser 
		Keislar Douglas, Blum Thom, Wheaton James, Wold Erling 

11:25		Model-Based Musical Transcription 
		Sterian Andrew, Simoni Mary, Wakefield Gregory 

11:50		Realtime Chord Recognition of Musical Sound:  
		a System Using Common Lisp Music	 
		Fujishima Takuya 

11:30 - 12:30	Demonstration I 

		Modeling the Woodstock Gamelan for Synthesis 
		Ayers Lydia, Horner Andrew  

11:30 - 12:30	Poster Session I 

Room 1		The WaveVerb Multi-Channel Room Acoustics Modelling System 
		Murphy Damian, Howard David 

Room 2   	Analysis of Percussion for Timbre Measurement and Synthesis 
		Lo YeeOn, Hitt Dan  

Room 3		The Sounding Distance Sensation and Its Significance of Artistic 
		Xue Huaming 

Matinee Concert 6  13:00-14:00

          Luca Pavan, Euro! (1:00)
          Luigi Ceccarelli, A propos de la chambre a coucher de Philippe II (10:20)
          Per Anders Nilsson, La Gamme Voiture: XM (12:10)
          Gary Berger, Elastische Studie (8:15)
          Palle Dahlstedt, I Lend You My Ear (12:00)
          Rikhardur Fridriksson, Fantasia yfir Liljulag (15:10)

14:00 - 15:20	Paper Session 3a		 
		Room Acoustics 

14:00		Higher Order Ambisonic Systems for the Spatialization of Sound 
		Malham David 

14:25		Volumetric Modeling of Acoustic Fields in CNMAT's Sound   
		Spatialization Theatre 
		Freed Adrian, Kaup Arnold, Khoury Sami, Wessel David 

14:50		Modelling Diffusion at the Boundary of a Digital  
		Waveguides Mesh	 
		Laird Joel, Masri Paul, Canagarajah Nishan 

14:00 - 14:50	Paper Session 3b		 
		Machine Recognition III 

14:00		Guessing the Composer's Mind : Applying Universal Prediction to 
		Musical Style 
		Assayag Gerard, Dubnov Shlomo, Delerue Olivier   

14:25		Embracing the Composer: Optical Recognition of Hand-written 
		Ng Kia, Cooper David, Stefani Ewan, Boyle Roger, Bailey Nick 

14:30 - 15:30	Demonstration II 

		Musical Applications of New Filter Extensions to Max/MSP 
		Freed Adrian, Jehan Tristan   

14:30 - 15:30	Poster Session II 

Room 1		Extending Musical Mixing: Adaptive Composite Signal Processing 
		Penrose Christopher 

Room 2		Multimedia Application of Time Compress/Stretch of Sound by 
		Itagaki Takebumi, Knox Donald 

Room 3		"Bleep, Buzz, Blurp":  The Challenge of Teaching New Ways to 
		Miksch Bonnie, Couch Leon
15:30 - 16:50	Paper Session 4a		 
		Real Time System  

15:30		Network Audio Performance and Installation 
		Tanaka Atau 

15:55		Time in Distributed Real-Time Systems 
		Brandt li, Dannenberg Roger  

16:20		Composing With The York Polyphonic Real-Time Singing Synthesizer 
		Gibson Ian, Howard David, Tyrrell Andrew  

15:30 - 16:50	Paper Session 4b		 

15:30		Postformalism 
		Fields Kenneth     

15:55		Revisiting Kontakte: Issues of History, Performance and 
		Clarke Michael 

16:20		Aesthetics of Designing an Adaptive Fuzzy System For Evaluation 
		of the Computer Music  
		Milicevic Mladen 

16:00 - 17:00	Demonstration III 

		Encyclopedia of Classical Music 
		Abramian Victor  

16:00 - 17:00	Poster Session III 

Room 1  	Cross-Modal Similarity in Light and Timbre: Interactions in 
		Speeded  Discrimination 
		Sullivan David, Fujinaga Ichiro 

Room 2   	WaRM: A Framework for Modelling Resonant Acoustic  
		Laird Joel, Huns Tom, Masri Paul, Canagarajah Nishan 

Room 3		Simultaneity in Interactive Computer Music  
		Brandorff Steffen  

Evening  Concert 5 Composers    20:00-22:30

          Matthew Burtner, Glass Phase (1:00)
          Russell Pinkston, All Round Me (15:00)
          Charles Bestor, Conversations with Myself (14:00)
          Shunichiro Matsuda, Deep Blue (piano) (10:00)
          McGregor Boyle, Nightfall I: The Lookout (9:00)
          Ioannis Kalantzis, Zer01 minute (1:00)
          Mitsuyo Hashida, Prodige de l'air (harp) (16:00)
          Sung Ho Hwang, Silhouette (piano) (10:00)

ここで機内で打ち込みが時間切れになり、以下はホテルに着いて つけ加えました。これから晩のコンサートなので、とりあえず ここまでをアップしておきましょう。(^_^;)

Wednesday  October 27 

9:30 - 10:50	Paper Session 1b		 
		History of Electro Acoustics I 

9:30		Proteic Voices in the Computer Music Repertory(1972-1997) 
		Georgaki Anastasia 

9:55		Human Voice Treatment in Various Types of Electroacoustic Music 
		Hettergott Alexandra 

10:20		Speech-Based Computer Music: Selected Works by Charles Dodge and 
		Paul Lansky 
		Byrne Madelyn 

10:00 - 11:00	Demonstration I 

		Digital Music Research Group (Bristol, UK) Studio Report 
		Canagarajah Nishan, Masri Paul, Laird Joel 

10:00 - 11:00	Poster Session I 

Room 1		Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT) Studio 
		Andrews Richard 

Room 2   	Federazione CEMAT and Centres of Computer Music Research and 
		Production in Italy 
		Belgeri Gisella, DiGiugno Giuseppe  

Room 3		The Design and Implementation of an Integrated High Performance 
		Computer Music System for Research and Postgraduate Teaching at 
		the University of York, UK 
		Myatt Tony  

11:00 - 12:20	Paper Session 2a		 
		MPEG-4 and MPEG-7 

11:00		Audio Descriptors and Descriptor Schemes in the Context	of 
		Serra Xavier, Herrera Perfecto 

11:25		Virtual Acoustics Rendering in MPEG-4 Multimedia Standard 
		Vaananen Riitta, Huopaniemi Jyri  

11:50		Cross-Coding SDIF into MPEG-4 Structured Audio 
		Wright Matthew, Scheirer Eric 

11:00 - 11:50	Paper Session 2b		 
		History of Electro Acoustics II 

11:00		RTcmix and the Open Source / Free Software Model 
		Topper David  

11:25		Magic Music from the Telharmonium 
		Weidenaar Reynold   

11:30 - 12:30	Demonstration II 

		Patchmix: a Cmix Instrument-Builder 
		Helmuth Mara 

11:30 - 12:30	Poster Session II 

Room 1		CCRMA Studio Report 
		Lopez-Lezcano Fernando 

Room 2		GRAMMA: the New Music in an Old Architecture 
		DeAmicis MariaCristina  

Room 3		Anglia Polytechnic University - Studio Report 
		Nunn Douglas 

Matinee Concert 7  13:00-14:30

          Rodney Waschka II, Clementine Variations (1:00)
          Peter Adamczyk, Gradus Ad ... (5:14)
          Jonathan Norton, 20 Questions (10:30)
          Robert S. Newcomb, Substratum (5:20)
          Terence Pender, Ascension (14:15)
          David Mooney, All the Way with LBJ (7:40)
          Howard Fredrics, Screams from Lima (3:00)
          Gilles Gobeil, Nuit Cendre (12:21)

Evening Concert 6  Multimedia    20:00-22:30

          Palle Dahlstedt, Film #2 (tape) (1:00) 
          Joseph Rovan, Continuities I (gestural controller) (11:20)
          Kazuo Uehara, Curved Air 4 (video) (15:30)
          Ye-Sung Lee, Der Wanderer (MIDI Piano & Interactive Video) (13:00)
          Jon Henry, Images of 1936 (video) (9:40)
          Bonnie Miksch, no one (not even the rain) (treble viol) (4:00)
          Barry Truax, Pacific Dragon (slides) (14:00) 
          Todor Todoroff, Reflets/Vitesse (video) (7:20)

Thursday  October 28

 Great Wall (Simatai) Tour with  Picnic Lunch   (10:00-18:15)