Ringz ringing filter Inherits from: Object : AbstractFunction : UGen : Filter Ringz.ar(in, freq, decaytime, mul, add) Ringz.kr(in, freq, decaytime, mul, add) Ringz is the same as Resonz, except that instead of a resonance parameter, the bandwidth is specified in a 60dB ring decay time. One Ringz is equivalent to one component of the Klank UGen. in - input signal to be processed freq - resonant frequency in Hertz decaytime - the 60 dB decay time of the filter See also: DynKlank { Ringz.ar(Dust.ar(3, 0.3), 2000, 2) }.play { Ringz.ar(WhiteNoise.ar(0.005), 2000, 0.5) }.play // modulate frequency { Ringz.ar(WhiteNoise.ar(0.005), XLine.kr(100,3000,10), 0.5) }.play { Ringz.ar(Impulse.ar(6, 0, 0.3), XLine.kr(100,3000,10), 0.5) }.play // modulate ring time { Ringz.ar(Impulse.ar(6, 0, 0.3), 2000, XLine.kr(4, 0.04, 8)) }.play // modulate ring time opposite direction { Ringz.ar(Impulse.ar(6, 0, 0.3), 2000, XLine.kr(0.04, 4, 8)) }.play ( { var exciter; exciter = WhiteNoise.ar(0.001); Mix.arFill(10, { Ringz.ar(exciter, XLine.kr(exprand(100.0,5000.0), exprand(100.0,5000.0), 20), 0.5) }) }.play )