GUI.cocoa; // use Mac OS X native GUI GUI.swing; // use Java GUI // Creating a window. w ="a control panel", Rect(20, 400, 440, 360)); w.front; // make window visible and front window. // Views are controlled by setting properties. w.view.background = Color.rand; w.view.background = Color.rand; w.view.background = Color.rand; w.view.background = Gradient(,,\v); w.view.background = Gradient(,,\h); w.view.background = Gradient(,,\h, 16); w.view.background = Gradient(,,\h, 128); w.view.background = HiliteGradient(,Color.yellow,\v); w.view.background = HiliteGradient(,Color.yellow,\v, 16); w.view.background = HiliteGradient(,Color.yellow,\v, 256); w.view.background = HiliteGradient(,,\h, 16); w.view.background = HiliteGradient(,,\h, 256); ( Routine({ { w.view.background = HiliteGradient(Color.rand(0.0,1.0),Color.rand(0.0,1.0), [\h,\v].choose, 100, rrand(0.1,0.9)); 0.5.wait; }; }).play(AppClock); ) // The FlowLayout decorator places views one after another. w.view.decorator = FlowLayout(w.view.bounds); // A button that adds another one like itself. ( f = { // the arguments for creating a view are the window it is in, // and the bounds of the view b = Button(w, 75 @ 24); // states defines the colors and label for the button in different states. b.states = [["Add",, Color.rand]]; b.action = f; }; f.value; ) // A button that changes the background. ( b = Button(w, 75 @ 24); b.states = [["Backgnd", Color.white, Color.rand]]; b.action = { w.view.background = Color.rand(0.0,1.0); // fallback for SwingOSC w.view.background = HiliteGradient(Color.rand(0.0,1.0),Color.rand(0.0,1.0), [\h,\v].choose, 100, rrand(0.1,0.9)); }; ) // A multi-state button. ( b = Button(w, 75 @ 24); b.states = [ ["Red", Color.white,], ["Green",,], ["Blue", Color.white,], ["Yellow",, Color.yellow] ]; b.action = {| view | if (view.value == 0) { w.view.background = Color.yellow }; if (view.value == 1) { w.view.background = }; if (view.value == 2) { w.view.background = }; if (view.value == 3) { w.view.background = }; }; ) // A slider that controls window transparency. // works on Mac OS X only ( w.view.decorator.nextLine; v = Slider(w, 130 @ 24); v.action = {| view | // Sliders output values from zero to one. w.alpha = view.value; }; v.value = 1; ) w.alpha = 1; w.front; // A slider that controls window width. ( w.view.decorator.nextLine; v = Slider(w, 130 @ 24); v.action = {| view | var bounds; bounds = w.bounds; bounds.width = 400 + (400 * view.value); w.bounds = bounds; }; ) w.close; w = nil; // A more useful window. ( // start server s.boot; ) ( // define a synth SynthDef("window-test", { arg note = 36, fc = 1000, rq = 0.25, bal=0, amp=0.4, gate = 1; var x; x = Mix.fill(4, { + {0.1.rand2}.dup).midicps, 0, 0.02) }); x =, fc, rq).softclip; x =, fc, rq, amp).softclip; x =[0], x[1], bal); x = x *, gate, doneAction: 2);, x); }, [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0] ).add; ) ( // make the window w = Window("another control panel", Rect(20, 400, 440, 360)); w.front; // make window visible and front window. w.view.decorator = FlowLayout(w.view.bounds); w.view.background = Color.rand(0.0,1.0); // fallback for SwingOSC w.view.background = HiliteGradient(Color.rand(0.0,1.0),Color.rand(0.0,1.0), [\h,\v].choose, 100, rrand(0.1,0.9)); ) ( // add a button to start and stop the sound. b = Button(w, 75 @ 24); b.states = [["Start",,],["Stop", Color.white,]]; b.action = {|view| if (view.value == 1) { s.sendMsg("/s_new", "window-test", 9999, 0, 0); }; if (view.value == 0) { s.sendMsg("/n_set", 9999, "gate", 0); }; }; ) ( // add a label w.view.decorator.nextLine; v = StaticText(w, 80 @ 24); v.string = "Note"; v.stringColor = Color.white; v.align = \right; ) v.align = \left; v.align = \center; v.align = \right; ( // create a ControlSpec for mapping values to correct range. ~noteSpec = ControlSpec(24, 60, \lin, 1); // create slider and number views. ~noteSlider = Slider(w, 200 @ 24); ~noteNumBox = NumberBox(w, 64 @ 24); ~noteSlider.step = 1/(60-24); ~noteSlider.action = {|view| var note; note =; ~noteNumBox.value = note; s.sendMsg("/n_set", 9999, "note", note); }; ~noteNumBox.action = {|view| var note; note = view.value; s.sendMsg("/n_set", 9999, "note", note); ~noteSlider.value = ~noteSpec.unmap(note); }; ~noteNumBox.align = \center; ) /* That is a lot of work for something simple, so I made a wrapper class. EZSlider takes care of the details for you. EZSlider is a wrapper for a SCStaticText, an SCSlider, and an SCNumberBox along with the logic to manage them. */ ( // create controls. w.view.decorator.nextLine; v = EZSlider(w, 400 @ 24, "Note", ControlSpec(24, 60, \lin, 1), {|ez| s.sendMsg("/n_set", 9999, "note", ez.value); }); w.view.decorator.nextLine; v = EZSlider(w, 400 @ 24, "Cutoff", ControlSpec(200, 5000, \exp), {|ez| s.sendMsg("/n_set", 9999, "fc", ez.value); }); w.view.decorator.nextLine; v = EZSlider(w, 400 @ 24, "Resonance", ControlSpec(0.1, 0.7), {|ez| s.sendMsg("/n_set", 9999, "rq", ez.value); }); w.view.decorator.nextLine; v = EZSlider(w, 400 @ 24, "Balance", \bipolar, {|ez| s.sendMsg("/n_set", 9999, "bal", ez.value); }); w.view.decorator.nextLine; v = EZSlider(w, 400 @ 24, "Amp", \db, {|ez| s.sendMsg("/n_set", 9999, "amp", ez.value.dbamp); }); ) /* There are still some problems: ¥ Restarting the sound doesn't remember the slider settings. ¥ cmd-period doesn't change the button. ¥ Closing window doesn't stop the sound. Need a more comprehensive approach. */ ( var w, startButton, noteControl, cutoffControl, resonControl; var balanceControl, ampControl; var id, cmdPeriodFunc; id = s.nextNodeID; // generate a note id. // make the window w = Window("another control panel", Rect(20, 400, 440, 180)); w.front; // make window visible and front window. w.view.decorator = FlowLayout(w.view.bounds); w.view.background = HiliteGradient(Color.rand(0.0,1.0),Color.rand(0.0,1.0), [\h,\v].choose, 100, rrand(0.1,0.9)); // add a button to start and stop the sound. startButton = Button(w, 75 @ 24); startButton.states = [ ["Start",,], ["Stop", Color.white,] ]; startButton.action = {|view| if (view.value == 1) { // start sound s.sendMsg("/s_new", "window-test", id, 0, 0, "note", noteControl.value, "fc", cutoffControl.value, "rq", resonControl.value, "bal", balanceControl.value, "amp", ampControl.value.dbamp); }; if (view.value == 0) { // set gate to zero to cause envelope to release s.sendMsg("/n_set", id, "gate", 0); }; }; // create controls for all parameters w.view.decorator.nextLine; noteControl = EZSlider(w, 400 @ 24, "Note", ControlSpec(24, 60, \lin, 1), {|ez| s.sendMsg("/n_set", id, "note", ez.value); }, 36); w.view.decorator.nextLine; cutoffControl = EZSlider(w, 400 @ 24, "Cutoff", ControlSpec(200, 5000, \exp), {|ez| s.sendMsg("/n_set", id, "fc", ez.value); }, 1000); w.view.decorator.nextLine; resonControl = EZSlider(w, 400 @ 24, "Resonance", ControlSpec(0.1, 0.7), {|ez| s.sendMsg("/n_set", id, "rq", ez.value); }, 0.2); w.view.decorator.nextLine; balanceControl = EZSlider(w, 400 @ 24, "Balance", \bipolar, {|ez| s.sendMsg("/n_set", id, "bal", ez.value); }, 0); w.view.decorator.nextLine; ampControl = EZSlider(w, 400 @ 24, "Amp", \db, {|ez| s.sendMsg("/n_set", id, "amp", ez.value.dbamp); }, -6); // set start button to zero upon a cmd-period cmdPeriodFunc = { startButton.value = 0; }; CmdPeriod.add(cmdPeriodFunc); // stop the sound when window closes and remove cmdPeriodFunc. w.onClose = { s.sendMsg("/n_free", id); CmdPeriod.remove(cmdPeriodFunc); }; )