Download & Install

Download MuseSDK Tools 3.4.1 (MuseIO, MuseLab, MusePlayer) for:
  1. Windows (7, 8, 8.1)
  2. Mac OS X 
  3. Linux - Remember to change the permissions on the downloaded file to allow you to run it (typically "chmod a+x <filename>"). Linux distributions may differ from each other, so installer may not work on some distributions. Linux-x64 bit installer is planned for a future release.
Download LibMuse v1.2.1 for developing on iOS:
  1. Mac OS X
Download LibMuse v1.3.0 for developing on Android:
  1. Windows (7, 8, 8.1)
  2. Mac OS X
  3. Linux 32 bit
  4. Linux 64 bit - Remember to change the permissions on the downloaded file to allow you to run it (typically "chmod a+x <filename>"). 
Native Mobile Development 
LibMuse is our library for native mobile development. Download links are above.  Documentation is here.

Streaming Muse Data from Computer to Mobile Device 
Researchers often want the flexibility to develop algorithms on their computer. It is possible to develop on your computer and test on your mobile device. We have provided tools for streaming OSC messages from a computer to an iOS or Android device: iOS and Android Receivers Install

Uninstalling & Updating

Muse SDK Tools: Uninstall Before You Update
Go to installation directory and run uninstaller. You cannot install new SDK version to the same folder (/Applications/Muse by default), installer will ask you to uninstall older version first. From the other side uninstaller removes only files which were installed. If you store muse data in the same folder it will not be deleted. Ideal solution is to keep data separate from MuseSDK binary. If it is not convenient for you for some reason, then store your data in a temp directory, remove /Applications/Muse directory, install new version, then copy your data back.

libmuse installer doesn't change your environment, so there is no need in uninstaller. Just remove your installation directory.
