' This program uses the Propeller Demo Board, Rev C ' ' The microphone is digitized and the samples are displayed on a VGA monitor, just like ' an oscilloscope with triggering. ' ' This program is sloppy and not ready for prime time. I just wanted to share it now. CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 tiles = vga#xtiles * vga#ytiles tiles32 = tiles * 32 OBJ vga : "vga_512x384_bitmap" VAR long sync, pixels[tiles32] word colors[tiles], ypos[512] PUB start | i 'start vga vga.start(16, @colors, @pixels, @sync) 'init colors to cyan on black repeat i from 0 to tiles - 1 colors[i] := $3C00 'fill top line so that it gets erased by COG longfill(@pixels, $FFFFFFFF, vga#xtiles) 'implant pointers and launch assembly program into COG asm_pixels := @pixels asm_ypos := @ypos cognew(@asm_entry, 0) CON ' At 80MHz the ADC sample resolutions and rates are as follows: ' ' sample sample ' bits rate ' ---------------- ' 9 156 KHz ' 10 78 KHz ' 11 39 KHz ' 12 19.5 KHz ' 13 9.77 KHz ' 14 4.88 KHz bits = 12 'try different values from table here attenuation = 2 'try 0-4 averaging = 13 '2-power-n samples to compute average with DAT ' ' Assembly program ' org asm_entry mov dira,asm_dira 'make pin 8 (ADC) output movs ctra,#8 'POS W/FEEDBACK mode for CTRA movd ctra,#9 movi ctra,#%01001_000 mov frqa,#1 mov xpos,#0 mov asm_cnt,cnt 'prepare for WAITCNT loop add asm_cnt,asm_cycles :loop waitcnt asm_cnt,asm_cycles 'wait for next CNT value (timing is determinant after WAITCNT) mov asm_sample,phsa 'capture PHSA and get difference sub asm_sample,asm_old add asm_old,asm_sample add average,asm_sample 'compute average periodically so that djnz average_cnt,#:avgsame 'we can 0-justify samples mov average_cnt,average_load shr average,#averaging mov asm_justify,average mov average,#0 'reset average for next averaging :avgsame max peak_min,asm_sample 'track min and max peaks for triggering min peak_max,asm_sample djnz peak_cnt,#:pksame mov peak_cnt,peak_load mov x,peak_max 'compute min+12.5% and max-12.5% sub x,peak_min shr x,#3 mov trig_min,peak_min add trig_min,x mov trig_max,peak_max sub trig_max,x mov peak_min,bignum 'reset peak detectors mov peak_max,#0 :pksame cmp mode,#0 wz 'wait for negative trigger threshold if_z cmp asm_sample,trig_min wc if_z_and_c mov mode,#1 if_z jmp #:loop cmp mode,#1 wz 'wait for positive trigger threshold if_z cmp asm_sample,trig_max wc if_z_and_nc mov mode,#2 if_z jmp #:loop sub asm_sample,asm_justify 'justify sample to bitmap center y sar asm_sample,#attenuation 'this # controls attenuation (0=none) add asm_sample,#384 / 2 mins asm_sample,#0 maxs asm_sample,#384 - 1 mov x,xpos 'xor old pixel off shl x,#1 add x,asm_ypos rdword y,x 'get old pixel-y wrword asm_sample,x 'save new pixel-y mov x,xpos call #plot mov x,xpos 'xor new pixel on mov y,asm_sample call #plot add xpos,#1 'increment x position and mask and xpos,#$1FF wz if_z mov mode,#0 'if rollover, reset mode for trigger jmp #:loop 'wait for next sample period ' ' Plot ' plot mov asm_mask,#1 'compute pixel mask shl asm_mask,x shl y,#6 'compute pixel address add y,asm_pixels shr x,#5 shl x,#2 add y,x rdlong asm_data,y 'xor pixel xor asm_data,asm_mask wrlong asm_data,y plot_ret ret ' ' Data ' asm_cycles long |< bits - 1 'sample time asm_dira long $00000200 'output mask asm_pixels long 0 'pixel base (set at runtime) asm_ypos long 0 'y positions (set at runtime) average_cnt long 1 peak_cnt long 1 peak_load long 512 mode long 0 bignum long $FFFFFFFF average_load long |< averaging asm_justify res 1 trig_min res 1 trig_max res 1 average res 1 asm_cnt res 1 asm_old res 1 asm_sample res 1 asm_mask res 1 asm_data res 1 xpos res 1 x res 1 y res 1 peak_min res 1 peak_max res 1