
プレゼンテーション:長嶋 洋一
Bio-sensing demo with Max7 (DoubleMyo, MuseOSC, PAW-eight and VPP-SUAC)

This is a small lecture/demo intended for interactive performance.

The first part is the special techniques using bio-sensing systems which are commercially available.
(1) The “Myo” armband is very smart/powerful gesture sensor, however it is a waste in default usage that its high performance is not utilized. In this demo, I will show three original techniques – how to use 2 Myo at the same time, how to avoid Myo’s sleeping, and how to get directly data such as 8ch-EMG and 9-D(3D accel, 3D direction, 3D gyro) via Bluetooth in Max7 environment.
(2) The “MUSE” headband is very smart brain sensor, however its default application is limited only meditation training. In this demo, I will show the original technique – how to get directly data such as 4ch-brain waves and 3D-direction via Bluetooth in Max7 environment.
(3) The combination application using “double Myo” and “MUSE” will be shown – as a realtime interactive multimedia performance.

The second part is two cutting-edge bio-sensing topics.
(4) I developed a novel 4ch EMG sensor system called “VPP-SUAC” in 2017. The whole development data is open-source in the Web, and we are welcome to develop the second source. While Myo is an “exclusive for arm” EMG sensor, our sensor focuses on sensing legs and lower body EMG which are important in welfare and rehabilitation area, and we are promoting collaboration with experts – medical/welfare/nursing/care.
(5) The other is a new special tactile/rubbing sensor called “PAW sensor”. The “PAW sensor” is a small PCB with a large cylinder of urethane foam on it. The output information of this sensor is four channel voltages which is time-shared conversion, which means the nuances of rubbing/touching the urethane foam with ones fingers. In this demo, I will show this “PAW-eight” with eight sensors on it and its experimental Max7 patch which generates 3-D realtime sounds/graphics for healing entertainment or prevention of dementia.

*** Sample materials

YouTube Demo movies

Presentation (and photos)


長嶋 洋一 Yoichi Nagashima
1958年茨城県生まれ。作曲家/研究者/PE(技術士) 。京都大学理学部(素粒子物理学)卒。京都市立芸術大学大学院美術研究科後期博士課程(メディアアート専攻)単位取得満期退学。河合楽器を経て、1991 年より Art & Science Laboratory 代表、ASL長嶋技術士事務所 所長。2000年4月静岡文化芸術大学デザイン学部デザイン学科(2006年3月まで技術造形学科、2017年3月までメディア造形学科)助教授、 2003年12月静岡文化芸術大学大学院デザイン研究科助教授、2007年4月より教授。
音楽を中心としたメディア・アートの領域において、コンピュータ・エレクトロニクス技術を活用したヒューマンインターフェース、マルチメディア/ネット ワーク/インタラクション等のテーマでの研究・創作・教育などの活動を行っている。生体ITコミュニケーションArt、五感を超える環境HI、 Fractal数学に基づく新しい音楽理論の構築、などに興味を持っている。 VPP 同人。