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The final Java package, java.util, contains a collection of utility classes.
- Data Structure Classes
- A variety of useful classes implementing standard computer science data structures: including BitSet, Dictionary, Hashtable, Stack and Vector. The java.util package also defines the Enumeration interface which provides a protocol for classes to count through a set of values.
- Date
- Use the Date class to create and manipulate calendar dates in a system-independent fashion.
- StringTokenizer
- This class converts a String of text into its tokens.
- Properties
- This class implements persistent properties. The properties table contains key/value pairs where both the key and the value are Strings. This class is used by the System class to implement System properties.
- Observer and Observable
- Classes that implement the Observer interface can "watch" Observable objects for state changes. When an Observable object changes it notifies all of its Observers of the change.
- Random-Number Generator
- The Random class implements a random-number generator.
- Enumeration
- The Enumeration interface defines a generic programming interface for iterating through a set of values.
See Also
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